In Japan, together with another talented young pianist Kotaro Fukuma, they were greeted by a Nobel laureate physicist Professor Masatoshi Koshiba. KEK hosted a joint lecture and concert titled "Tunes of Physics and Violin" on the 9th of October, where Koshiba talked about neutrinos, and Liebeck and Fukuma played Mozart, Brahms, Paert and Elgar. Although Foster did not meet Koshiba while he was a member of the TASSO experiment at DESY in the 1970s and 80s, he did meet many of his students such as Professors Orito and Yamada. Yamada was the last director of INS, the Institute of Nuclear Study at University of Tokyo. The late professor Orito was one of the most important leaders for promoting the linear collider among Japanese physicists.
Foster also commented on European ILC activities. "There are lots of different things going on in different countries. There are still some very clear concentrations of efforts at DESY in superconducting cavities, for example. We are starting to get significant involvement from CERN, in particular with the cryogenics and civil engineering", he said. "The overall perspective is that the effort is increasing, and that people are very enthusiastic and momentum is building up. It is our job to make sure that continues to happen."
Asked about his personal point of view on the ILC, he said, "Well,
it's probably the last experiment I will do, so I hope it would be
the best. Certainly, it has enormous promise. What we might see
of course depends on what nature holds. What we do know is that
it's uniquely suited to look at the physics of the future with
enormous precision and with high energy. We are convinced that it
will make world-challenging discoveries. The sooner we start it,
the better. So we have to be patient and enthusiastic simultaneously."
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