
Director's Corner

Interim report on the ILC R&D programme

by Barry Barish

We have reached the midpoint in the ILC R&D efforts towards the Technical Design Report. In recognition of that milestone, we release today a new report entitled International Linear Collider: A Technical Progress Report. This report gives a comprehensive summary of the major accomplishments to date of the ILC R&D programmes.

Research Director's Report

The gift of research rises from the rubble

This month’s Research Director’s Report was written by Hitoshi Yamamoto, co-chair of the World Wide Study and regional detector contact for Asia.

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

Hitoshi Yamamoto offers a personal account of his navigation through the chaos brought on by shutdowns of transportation systems, electrical grids and running water immediately following the March earthquake. Amid the confusion, he remained mindful of the work of the ILC, resulting in welcome news for detector research.


First linear collider power distribution and pulsing workshop

by Marc Weber (KIT), Georges Blanchot (CERN) and Roman Poeschl (CNRS/LAL)

Lowering power consumption is a key issue for particle physicists to solve to design the next generation of collider experiments. Detectors will measure signals recorded in millions of readout channels. Last May, the ILC-CLIC common working group for detectors organised the first workshop on power pulsing and delivery at LAL in Orsay, France.

Image of the week

Bunch of experts gathers at DESY

Image: DESY

Attendees at the second workshop on linac operation with long bunch trains at DESY, Germany from 6-8 June 2011.

Stay tuned to a future issue of ILC NewsLine for more on the workshop.

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