
Director's Corner

TDR review season is underway

by Barry Barish

The draft of the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR) was completed last November and submitted for review. On 13 and14 December, the TDR underwent a technical review at KEK by an augmented ILCSC Program Advisory Committee. The review report endorses the technical design we have presented and recommends “no changes in the TDR.” The report does identify areas and items to address in the future.

Research Director's Report

From the Letters of Intent to the ILC Technical Design Report

by Sakue Yamada

In his last column in ILC NewsLine, Sakue Yamada, ILC Research director, acknowledges the tremendous collaborative effort which has made possible the accomplishment of the Physics and Detectors volumes of the ILC Technical Design Report.

Around the World

Shin-ichi Kurokawa awarded Chinese top prize

by Qian Pan

Shin-ichi Kurokawa, world-famous Japanese particle accelerator expert and promoter of the ILC, has made great efforts in promoting the personnel exchanges and cooperative researches between Japan and China. Last month, he received a third award in China, the International Science and Technology Cooperation Award, in recognition of his great contribution and dedication to China’s accelerator science development.

Around the World

Japanese science minister mentions ILC in press conference

by Rika Takahashi

On Friday, 18 January, Hakubun Shimomura, Japan’s Minister of MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), the funding agency for Japan’s high-energy physics programme, stated Japan’s intention to invite the ILC in the regular press conference after the cabinet meeting, responding to a question from the press about the government’s standpoint to the ILC project.

In the News

  • from NHK
    6 February 2013

    日本が新たな「科学技術立国」を目指す契機になるのか、ILC計画の全容と、誘致活動の現状に迫る。(Will the ILC be the opportunity for Japan to become true scientific and technological powerhouse? Introducing the ILC project and the activities to invite it to Japan)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    5 February 2013

    岩手大(藤井克己学長)は、本県の北上山地(北上高地)に誘致を目指す超大型加速器・国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画の支援に向け、学内に「岩手大学ILC推進会議」を設置する。(Iwate University will set up a body to support the activities to promote ILC project)

  • from Mainichi Shinbun
    5 February 2013

    宇宙誕生の謎に迫る素粒子分野の国際研究施設「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」を福岡、佐賀両県にまたがる脊振(せふり)山地に誘致しようと、両県と九州の経済団体、九州大などが推進協議会を今年度内にも設立する計画が分かった。(Saga, and Fukuoka prefectures, economic groups in Kyushu area and Kyushu University will set up a new association aiming for inviting the ILC to Sehuri mountain.)

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    2 Feb 2013

    超大型の線形加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の誘致を目指し、東北大と岩手県が3月、国内候補地の一つとなっている岩手県南部の北上山地で、活断層の有無を確かめる調査を実施することが1日、分かった。(Tohoku University and Iwate prefecture will start the investigation on active fault around Kitakami area, one of the ILC candidate sites)

  • from Symmetry Magazine
    1 February 2013

    Other high priorities include R&D for future accelerators, possible participation in the proposed International Linear Collider, which may be built in Japan, and a neutrino research program that includes local experiments and participation in projects in the United States or Japan.

  • from
    23 January 2013

    For the first time scientists have been able to analyse the dynamics of social media on a global scale before, during and after the announcement of a major scientific discovery.

  • from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Blog
    23 January 2013

    Während sich das Design für den ILC in einem technisch bereits fortgeschrittenen Stadium befindet und im Prinzip schon bald realisiert werden könnte, ist zur Ausarbeitung der CLIC Technologie, die am Cern stattfindet, noch einiges an Entwicklung notwendig.