The second workshop on superconducting radiofrequency technology and industrialisation for the ILC will be a satellite meeting of the SRF2011 conference on 24 July 2011 in Chicago.
As part of Technical Design Phase 2, the Global Design Effort (GDE) has been working towards more realistic and cost-effective industrialisation models for the production of superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) cavities and cryomodules, as these are primary cost drivers in the ILC construction estimate. The most important issue to be explored is how to distribute and coordinate the globally based SCRF component construction and test.
Developing the optimum industrialisation models has been a multi-year task, starting with our efforts in early 2009 to communicate with potential cavity and cryomodule industrial partners the scope and plan for the ILC, and to receive their advice on possible industrialisation models and production facilities.
This was followed in May 2010 by a workshop called “Superconducting RF Cavity Technology and Industrialization,” a satellite meeting of the first International Particle Accelerator Conference held in Kyoto, where further communication and fruitful discussions were realised with worldwide participants from industry and laboratories.
This year a second set of visits is underway with cavity, cryomodule, and material manufacturers. In this series of visits, we are reporting our recent study and consideration of the industrialisation models described in a document titled “Preparation for ILC SCRF cavity and cryomodule industrialization,” and are asking for their responses to our request for information.
Based on this progress, we are now organising the 2nd workshop on SCRF cavity technology and industrialisation as a satellite meeting of the SRF 2011 conference. The workshop will be hosted by the GDE project managers and held at the Sheraton Hotel & Towers in Chicago on 24 July 2011. The workshop is open to all, though registration is required for logistical purposes. It will focus on our industrial partners’ responses to our request for information, and how these responses affect our planning and implementation in the Technical Design Report. A preliminary agenda outline and contact information for the workshop has been posted.
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