A man of three hats: GDE Project Manager, head of KEK's cryogenic science centre and head of KEK's Linear Collider Project Office Akira Yamamoto. Image: Nobuko Kobayashi
Akira Yamamoto, project manager of the ILC Global Design Effort (GDE), was appointed new head of KEK’s Linear Collider Project Office in Tsukuba, Japan. He has been already wearing two hats since he became one of the three ILC project managers in 2007, since he’s also head of KEK’s cryogenics science centre. He will be wearing one more beginning this Japanese fiscal year, starting April 2012.
“2012 is an important milestone for the ILC programme, so I would like Akira to coordinate both international and KEK’s ILC activities,” said Atsuto Suzuki, director general of KEK.
Yamamoto is now in charge of decision-making on KEK’s R&D plans and activities towards the realisation of an energy-frontier linear collider project. Based on the accelerator design to reach the energy of up to 1 teraelectronvolt, he will be facilitating the accelerator design and associated R&D in cooperation with the GDE.
He is now also responsible for supporting universities and local governments in conducting geological surveys on the two Japanese ILC candidate sites. Furthermore, he will lead the collaboration of various stakeholders in Japan, such as science communities outside high-energy physics, national universities, and industry. He is hoping to further strengthen collaborative relationships with KEK’s international partners too.
“I am intending to work hard to promote all ILC activities – international, domestic, and inside KEK – in good balance,” said Yamamoto. “it is important to listen to different opinions and discuss well to reach decisions, and I am willing to take responsibility for the necessary decisions.” He says he will seek ways to collaborate synergistically.
His assigned term has started from this April. “I will work as quickly as possible within my limited term,” he said, determined to bring his best to three leadership roles.
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