
Director's Corner

Snowmass on the Mississippi in Minneapolis

Deputy Linear Collider Director Hitoshi Murayama says that for the ILC, momentum is key.

by Hitoshi Murayama

Waiting for his plane after an intense and productive Snowmass meeting with more than 700 participants in Minneapolis, Hitoshi Murayama reports that the scientific opportunities and aspirations discussed at the meeting seem to lead to basic community consensus. The hunt for the identity of the Higgs adds momentum.


The ILC at a glance 2

A new version of the ILC animation is released

by Perrine Royole-Degieux

“The ILC in 2 minutes”, the new ILC animation, now includes the latest machine and detector design and also comes with optional sound and various languages subtitles. Make sure to share it!



by Misaki Kawaguchi

For a linear collider, a myriad of positrons, the electron’s antimatter partner, will be necessary to collide with electrons.

Image of the week

From symmetry magazine: Scientists look to next decades in US particle physics

Image: Reidar Hahn, Fermilab

From the output of the “Snowmass” meeting, US particle physicists will chart a path to answering some of science’s most intriguing questions. More than 600 particle physicists from nearly 100 universities and laboratories came together on the University of Minnesota’s Minneapolis campus to enumerate the field’s most pressing scientific questions and contemplate the experiments needed to answer them.

In the News

  • from NHK
    7 August 2013

    ILC=国際リニアコライダーの誘致について検討していた日本学術会議は、「費用負担など未確定の部分が多く、数年かけて判断すべきだ」という誘致に慎重な見解を大筋でまとめました。(Science Council of Japan reached broad agreement that Japan should take few years to evaluate whether Japan should host ILC, since the project has some uncertainties such as expense distribution between participated countries)

  • from The Guardian
    6 August 2013

    Despite the success of the Large Hadron Collider, evidence for the follow-up theory – supersymmetry – has proved elusive

  • from Jiji Press
    6 August 2013

    -Members of a Science Council of Japan panel agreed in principle on Tuesday that Japan should spend several years to examine the significance of leading the proposed international project to construct a next-generation large-scale particle accelerator.

  • from Nishi nihon shimbun
    27 July 2013

    「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)を脊振山地に誘致するため、署名活動に取り組む「九州へのILC誘致を実現する会」の岩木勇人事務局長(34)ら4人が23日、県庁を訪れ、古川康知事に活動報告した。(Representatives of the group to invite the ILC to Sefuri area visited the Saga governor and reported their activities include the 350 thousands signatures they collected.)

  • from Financial Times
    26 July 2013

    The Italian scientist on how her work on the Higgs boson can be linked to a love of nature and musi

  • from Kahoku Shimpo
    25 July 2013

    「東日本大震災からの産業復興」をテーマに村井嘉浩宮城県知事と仙台経済同友会の大山健太郎、一力雅彦両代表幹事が意見交換し、県境を越えた連携の推進などで一致した。岩手県の北上山地への誘致を目指す超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」をめぐっては、3氏とも実現に意欲を見せた。(Governor and two business experts of Miyagi prefecture met on 25 July, and agreed to cooperate to make efforts toward the recovery include invitation of the ILC)

  • from nature
    24 July 2013

    P5 is likely to recommend some US involvement in high-energy machines, both the LHC and a next-generation machine that Japan hopes to host, the International Linear Collider. The panel could also renew an emphasis, set in its 2008 report, on the intensity frontier, which led to the flagship LBNE proposal.