At the ILC Tokyo Symposium, held on 22 April 2015 at the Ito International Hall, Tokyo, Japan, the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and the more than 300 participants from around the world at the Asian Linear Collider Workshop (ALCW) 2015 decided to issue a statement confirming their conviction of the scientific justification for a prompt realisation of the International Linear Collider (ILC).
Image of the week
Vertical shafts instead of slanted ones, news from the detector concepts, familiar and new faces and a lot of exchange – that's nowhere near a summary of a week of discussions between some 300 linear collider experts from around the world... but it's a start. Look at a selection of photos in this photo album for some impressions, also of the political event in Tokyo on 22 April, and check the ALCW2015 page for all pictures.
In the News
from Iwate Nichi Nichi
25 April 2015
世界素粒子物理研究施設の広報担当者は、ILCの北上山地(北上高地)への建設実現を見据えて外国人が暮らしやすいまちづくりを推進する「ILCサポート委員会」と意見交換を行った。(Communication specialists from around the world had a opinion exchange session with ILC Support committee, a group of foreign residents in Iwate prefecture which aim to realise the international city where everyone can have comfortable life)
from Mainichi Shimbun
24 April 2015
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」建設計画に関連し、この分野の各国研究機関の広報担当スタッフが23日、気仙沼市などを視察した。(Regarding the planned ILC construction, communication specialists from world particle physics labs visited related cities include Kesennuma on 23 April)
from Yomiuri Shimbun
24 April 2015
海外の素粒子物理研究所の広報担当者が23日、巨大実験施設「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の建設候補地となっている一関市などを視察した。(Communication specialists from particle physics labs around the worls visite ILC candidate site)
from Tanko Nichinichi
23 April 2015
“Calling for the Early Realization of the ILC: Researchers the World Issue Tokyo Statement”
from Kahoku Shinpo
23 April 2015
LCCは22日、ILC計画の意義などについて専門家が意見を交わすシンポジウムを東大で開いた。ILC計画に関係の深い研究者4人が登壇した。(LCC held a symposium to discuss significance of the ILC at the University of Tokyo on 22 April)
from Iwate Nippo
22 April 2015
国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画を検討する文部科学省の有識者会議は21日、同省で開かれ、加速器施設建設費(労務費を含む)の見積額が1兆1千億円程度に上ることが示された。建設費を公的に検証したのは初めて。(Expart panel to discuss the ILC in Japan had its meeting on 21 April, and reported the estimated construction cost, including labor )
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