Better together: two technological prototypes of the high-granularity calorimeters for a future ILC detector have been tested together with particle beams at CERN in a combined mode. The Semi-Digital Hadronic CALorimeter (SDHCAL) prototype with its 48 layers and the Silicon Electromagnetic CALorimeter (SiECAL) with its 10 units, both part of the CALICE collaboration, spent two weeks taking data on the “H2” beam line at CERN’s SPS. The principal goal of this beam test was to validate their combined data acquisition (DAQ) system developed by the teams working on the two calorimeters. After the fixing of a few problems that appeared during the data taking, the DAQ system ran smoothly and both prototypes took common data. This is what they will have to do in the future to register electron-positron collisions at the ILC.
Physicists and engineers from six countries participated in this beam test: Belgium, China, France, Japan, Korea and Spain. Future tests will focus on studying the common response of these two calorimeters to the different kinds of particles. “The success of this combined test will certainly encourage other detectors proposed for the tracking system (Silicon and TPC detectors) to join the adventure…,” Imad Laktineh, professor at IN2P3’s Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon,who supervised the combined beam test, hopes.
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