
Director's Update

Clarifications on the report from the Science Council of Japan regarding the ILC

21 December 2018

Image: Rey. Hori

Image: Rey. Hori

The purpose of this note is to provide clarifications on the report from the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) regarding the International Linear Collider (ILC), which was released on December 19, 2018. The executive summary of the report is included in this issue.

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) examined the ILC project through the ILC Advisory Panel, and subsequently called for an external evaluation from the SCJ in July 2018. The SCJ is an organization consisting of Japanese scientists, and it conducted a detailed review of the ILC proposal by establishing a special panel. The report was submitted to the MEXT and published after a review in the executive meeting of the SCJ. While acknowledging the scientific case for the ILC, the panel concluded that it did not support at this time that Japan host the ILC due to issues yet to be resolved. One of the reasons pointed out is that the international negotiation on cost-sharing has not been proven to be successful.

It should be noted that, in the decision-making process by the Japanese government, the SCJ report will be taken into account along with other factors such as merit to the society. We strongly hope that an official statement by the Japanese government on its position towards the ILC will be available in a timely manner for full consideration in the European strategy process. KEK, in collaboration with many Japanese and international associates, is working diligently in maintaining the progress and making the ILC a reality in Japan. Therefore, your continual support is highly appreciated and solicited.

21 December 2018

Planning Office for the ILC at KEK

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  • Junji Urakawa says:

    I strongly suport ILC project. Since there is no international scientific project hosted by Japan, in order to promote Japan for real international country Japanese Goverment should make appropriate decision soon. Also, since ILC project has many challenging techinologies to overcome, this project is suitable to Japanese project even if we will spend a huge amount of money. I think there are many merit for Japan society because ILC will make a lots of new technologies and give a good dream to young people.

  • Eugene BULYAK says:

    ILC is intended for necessary clarification of the standard model. To wait for half dozen years expecting for new physics beyond the standard model may be merely wasting of time. ILC is of prime importance to clarify our physics knowledge.