Large-Grain Niobium Cavities Receive Strong Endorsement
Global experts discuss niobium production and progress made on single-crystal and large-grain niobium technology at workshop in Brazil.

Students from the CBMM daycare center, an onsite facility for employees' children, enthusiastically welcomed the workshop attendees. The group also participated in a tree-planting ceremony as part of the niobium manufacturer's nature conservancy program. |
On the pursuit to design and build a superconducting cavity that will consistently reach the required acceleration gradient of 35 megavolts per metre for the International Linear Collider, a group of 30 scientists from eight industrial companies and nine research laboratories recently came together at the world's largest niobium mine in Araxá, Brazil for the Single-Crystal Niobium Technology Workshop. The workshop educated attendees about the niobium production process and facilitated a dialogue about the development of single-crystal and large-grain niobium for ILC superconducting cavities.
-- Elizabeth Clements |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
ILC Perfume Mountain Meeting-What is the role of China and
the International Linear Collider (ILC), a large scientific international project
5-7 December 2006
Beijing, China
Third symposium on large TPC for low energy rare event detection
11-12 December 2006
Carré des Sciences, Paris, France
International Workshop on Silicon Sensors for High Energy Physics and Astrophysics
14-16 December 2006
Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea
European LC WS Meeting
8-9 January 2007
Daresbury Laboratory, UK
MAC meeting
10-12 January 2007
Daresbury Laboratory, UK
Texas A&M University
15-26 January 2007
ILC Detector Test Beam Workshop
Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois
17-19 January 2007
The 9th ACFA ILC Physics & Detector Workshop & ILC GDE Meeting
IHEP, Beijing
4-7 February 2007
Annual WILGA Conference
Warsaw University of Technology Resort, Poland
21-27 May 2007
LCWS 2007
Hamburg, Germany
30 May - 4 June 2007
GDE Meetings Calendar
ILC Detectors in the Making: LDC is Going with the Flow

Artist's impression of the LDC detector. |
In July, ILC NewsLine provided an overview of the Global Large Detector (GLD) concept. In October we took a closer look at the Silicon Detector (SiD) concept. This week features the third ILC detector concept LDC, and ILC NewsLine will continue its series about the four ILC detector concepts in the weeks to come. Next: 4th detector concept.
With a concept called particle flow, experimenters at the ILC are getting philosophical. Particle flow, according to them, is the philosophy of event reconstruction. In the future ILC detectors, scientists will not rely on the classical event reconstruction methods of tracks in the tracker and energy dots in the calorimeter. They want more - a complete 3-D reconstruction of every charged and neutral particle that went through their carefully designed layers. One of these detectors is the Large Detector Concept or LDC, a group that has many European members, but also a large American and some Asian involvement.
-- Barbara Warmbein |

Norihito Ohuchi watching the crew align
the position of the support ribs for a 9-cell
cavity during assembly work of the STF
(Superconducting RF Test Facility) cryomodule
at KEK. (Image courtesy of N. Toge)
From Beacon News
24 November 2006
You Can Help Shape Future for Fermilab
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From Nature
23 November 2006
A Fresh Start for Japan
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From Nature
22 November 2006
French science after Chirac
Read more... |
From AIP Bulletin of Science Policy News
22 November 2006
ITER Agreement Signed
Read more... |
From El Pais
15 November 2006
A project as expensive as ITER
Read more... (In Spanish) |
From Newsday
26 November 2006
Scoring Perfection on ACT
Read more... |
FALC — What’s in the Name?

Kenji Saito shows FALC representatives superconducting RF cavity research being done at KEK. |
I attended a meeting hosted by KEK Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan on 19 November of the "Funding Agencies for Large Colliders" (FALC), previously known as "Funding Agencies for the Linear Collider." The change of names for FALC has caused more than a little consternation within the ILC community. At our recently concluded GDE / ECFA meeting in Valencia, Spain, FALC chairman Roberto Petronzio was directly asked about the name change in his opening plenary presentation. He responded with a rather general statement about FALC's mission and goals. This, however, did not put the issue to rest. Richard Wade, PPARC Director of Programmes and Chair of the FALC Resource Group, was even more pointedly challenged during the town meeting a couple of days later with a somewhat rhetorical question concluding that the name change indicates FALC is backing off from its raison d'être (e.g. the ILC). Today, I discuss a few highlights from the recent FALC meeting and give my personal view of what's in the name of FALC.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Registration for Beijing, 4-7 February 2007
So far there are about 60 people registered for the Beijing ACFA workshop and GDE meeting in February 2007. Your early registration may facilitate the workshop conveners' arrangements for the hotel and other workshop plans.
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ILC-Related Preprints
28 Nov 2006
Small Visible Energy Scalar Top Iterative Discriminant Analysis for Different Center-of-Mass Energies
22 Nov 2006
Logarithmic electroweak corrections to 
28 Nov 2006
Radiation Hardness of CCD Vertex Detectors for the ILC |