From Fermilab Today: ILC Citizens' Task Force forges ahead

ILC Citizens' Task Force members Vicki Danklefsen, of Geneva, and Eric Schwarze, of Warrenville, participate in a group meeting Jan. 22. The Task Force members will submit recommendations in May. |
With funding for ILC R&D cut this year, and the possible start of construction postponed, the ILC Citizens' Task Force could have turned their backs on the proposed project.
They didn't.
Instead, they rallied behind the value of community involvement in planning for building the ILC at Fermilab.
-- Tona Kunz |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
TILC08 Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and (GDE meeting) on International Linear Collider Sendai 3-6 March 2008
Positron Source Meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 7-9 April 2008
Energy Polarization Workshop DESY Zeuthen, Germany 9-11 April 2008
SiD Workshop RAL 14-16 April 2008
Workshop on High energy photon collisions at the LHC CERN, Geneva 21-25 April 2008
LoopFest VII Radiative Corrections for the LHC and ILC University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, Amherst, New York, USA 14-16 May 2008
ICFA NANOBEAM Workshop (NANOBEAM-08) Announcement Budker INP, Novosibirsk, Russia 25-30 May 2008
= Collaboration-wide Meetings
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
SiLC R&D collaboration in Turin

General view of the SiLC tracking test beam set-up at CERN in October 2007. (photo: Fréderic Kapusta) |
The sixth meeting of the Silicon tracking for the Linear Collider R&D Collaboration (SiLC) took place at the University degli Studi in Turin from 18 to 20 December 2007. The three-day meeting was attended by about 50 people and covered all the main topics of interest for this R&D.
-- Diego Gamba and Aurore Savoy-Navarro
From Fermilab Today
28 January
US-CMS tutorials prepare collaborators for taking data
Anyone from a graduate student to a senior physicist can feel overwhelmed when starting on an experiment as large as CMS.
Read more... |
26 January
Journey to the centre of the earth
Deep below Switzerland, scientists are preparing an experiment that could unlock the secrets of the universe. William Leith tries to keep up.
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From SLAC Today
24 January
SLAC's Klystron Legacy
On January 30, 1939, the Palo Alto Times published the headline, "New Stanford Invention Heralds Revolutionary Changes."
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From Financial Times
23 January
Science: Big Bang comes to the Alps
... The LHC is scheduled to receive a major upgrade in 2016, which should keep it going into the late 2020s. By then a global successor, the International Linear Collider or ILC, may be in operation.
Read more... |
From nature
23 January
Shattered Illusions
Last-minute cuts to the research budget have left US scientists nervous about future funding. David Goldston looks at what Congress and the president might do next.
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Black December
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Brian Foster, Global Design Effort Regional Director for Europe.

The UK is a leading contributor to different ILC-related projects, including laser-wire beam diagnostics shown here. |
It looks as if last month will be classified as "Black December" as far as the ILC is concerned. Barry has already written of the developments in the USA funding which took us all by surprise. Slightly less "out of the blue", but still shocking, was the news just two weeks earlier from the UK. The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), established last April to take over the remit of the previous PPARC and CCLRC, announced that they were going to withdraw from the ILC project.
-- Brian Foster
Director's Corner Archive |
CMS goes underground

The final element of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at CERN descended into its underground experimental cavern on 22 January for the start-up of the Large Hadron Collider this summer. Future ILC detectors probably face a similarly spectacular descent - like CMS they will be assembled in a surface hall before they are transported to their cavern deep underground. Image courtesy of CERN. Read the press release
arXiv preprints
Triple Higgs boson production at the ILC within a generic Two-Higgs-Doublet Model
EUDET Reports
A Software Framework for ILC detector R&D
EUDET: Detector R&D Towards the International Linear Collider
Summary of the data acquisition session for ILC detectors
The DAQ for the EUDET pixel telescope
A pixelated Telescope for the E.U Detector R&D
First Test Beam Results from the EUDET Pixel Telescope
A Pixel Telescope for Detector R&D