Detector activities reviewed by the PAC

The Project Advisory Committee also reviews the detector concepts. Image: Norman Graf. |
On 9 and 10 May, the second review meeting of the Project Advisory Committee (PAC) of the ILC was held in Vancouver. Its first meeting was last year in October when we were about to complete the entire framework of the detector activity. At that time PAC endorsed the designed management structure and the way we intended to proceed, which gave us confidence to start most of the common task groups during the LCWS08 meeting in Chicago in November.
-- Sakue Yamada
Research Director's Report Archive |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
Tesla Technology Collaboration Meeting (TTC09) LAL, Orsay, France 16-19 June 2009
ILC-CLIC LET Beam Dynamics Workshop at CERN
CERN, Switzerland 23-25 June 2009
Polarized Positron for Linear Colliders Workshop (Posipol 2009)
IPNL, Lyon, France 23-26 June 2009
Mini-Workshop on the CesrTA Electron Cloud R&D Program for Linear Collider Damping Rings (CTA09)
Cornell University, NY, USA 25-26 June 2009
FCAL meeting DESY Zeuthen, Germany 29-30 June
Upcoming schools
The 2009 Hadron Collider Physics Summer School CERN 8-17 June 2009
Summer School: Exploring the Cosmological Frontiers Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Canada 24 June - 1 July 2009
International School of Physics "Enrico Fermi" (SIF) Radiation and particle detectors Varenna, Villa Monastero, Italy 20-25 July
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
UC Davis spearheads interconnect technology development for SiD detector

UC Davis physics group gathers next to the bump bonding equipment. [from left to right, Mike Irving (technician), Mike Woods (graduate student), Dick Lander (professor), Mani Tripathi (professor), Britt Holbrook (engineer), and Tiffany Landry (development technician)] |
Nearly every one of the myriad complex components of the International Linear Collider pushes the limits of today's technology, and for the ILC to succeed, each one of them has to work as designed. Researchers at the University of California, Davis (US) are concentrating on the interconnects – the connections between arrays of electronic circuit elements – in the ILC's proposed Silicon Detector Design Study (SiD) concept detector. The group is applying new technologies and advanced materials to improve the performance, efficiency, ease of assembly and robustness of these critical detector components.
-- Andre Sulluchuco |
From Mercury News
17 June 2009
Stanford scientists discover a possible successor to silicon
... However, the material — shiny, reflective and black, grown in special campus furnaces — can only carry small currents so it is not yet applicable.But it could pave the way for a paradigm shift in microchip development.
Read more... |
From Chronicle online
15 June 2009
Wilson Lab open house to feature accelerator and X-ray demos, and tours for the whole family
... Visitors will also hear about the CESR test-accelerator program, a modification of CESR that is helping Cornell scientists do feasibility research for the International Linear Collider, a particle accelerator project still in planning stages.
Read more... |
From DESY inForm
June 2009
Large inspection
... The results obtained from the tests and the experiences from applications at FLASH will be integrated in the design of the 3.9-GHz system for the European XFEL.
Read more... (pdf) |
A step at a time

A group photo of the CERN management, ILC Executive Committee and CLIC Steering Committee |
Last week we held the first ever joint meeting of the GDE Executive Committee and the CLIC Extended Steering Committee. This meeting at CERN represented another step in bringing the CLIC and ILC efforts closer together. CERN's Director General Rolf Heuer, the CERN Research Director Sergio Bertolucci and the Secretary of the CERN Council Strategy Group, Steiner Stapnes, attended part of the meeting and expressed their support. The meeting itself was constructive and productive in that we agreed on several important new initiatives, including plans to combine future workshops and to begin discussions on developing and articulating a joint strategy towards a linear collider.
-- Barry Barish
Director's Corner Archive |
Easier registration for Lepton Photon
The registration procedure for the Lepton Photon conference, to be held in Hamburg, Germany from 17 to 22 August, has changed – simply send an email to lp09 @ and request an invitation. Check the website for more details.
arXiv preprints
New concept for quantification of similarity relates entropy and energy of objects: First and Second Law entangled, equivalence of temperature and time proposed
Searching for Single Production of Charged Heavy Leptons via Anomalous Interactions at Future Linear Colliders
ILC Internal Document
ILC Global Design Effort - Project Managers’ Report - May 2009