News from China on ILC collaboration

Vacuum vessel fabrication in factory |
The effort towards realising the International Linear Collider is being carried out by global collaboration. Such efforts focus mainly on the technology development, but other aspects such as training the younger generation, are also important to ILC community. From 7 to 18 September China hosted the Fourth International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders in Beijing at Huairou. Among 69 students from 21 countries, there were 29 students from Asia, including 15 Chinese students. Since 2005, Chinese PhD students majoring in ILC-related topics are increasing steadily, ranging from global beam dynamics, final focus, superconducting technology (such as superconducting cavity, coupler, and cryostat) positron source, damping ring, and so forth. It is very important and fruitful for the students to attend the Linear Collider Accelerator School to gain global knowledge starting from particle physics, detailed accelerator physics and technology, to concrete projects. It is also good news for China that the Chinese students ranked high in the school’s final examination.
-- Jie Gao |
Upcoming meetings, conferences, workshops
2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Orlando, Florida, USA 25-31 October 2009
6th ILC Positron Source Collaboration Meeting IPPP, Durham, UK 28-30 October 2009
6th ILC Positron Source Collaboration Meeting IPPP, Durham, UK 28-30 October 2009
Linear Collider Testbeam Workshop LAL, Orsay, France 3-5 November 2009
GDE Meetings calendar
View complete ILC calendar
One sheet to plot them all
DESY database becomes standard tool for cavity research

The new worldwide ILC cavity database features only nine-cell, no single-cell cavities like the one held by Camille Ginsburg in this picture. Image: Fermilab. |
The idea sounds simple enough: collect all the data that exist in the world on cavities – nine-cell TESLA-style cavities, to be precise – including all tests, manufacturers and achieved gradients and merge it into a common format so that all cavity professionals around the world can extract the data they need to compare cavity performance and learn. Anyone who has ever set up a database and tried to merge existing data sets into one knows: it's not that easy. However, the ILC's accelerator experts have just decided that they will all use a database system developed by DESY to set up the world's first global cavity database.
-- Barbara Warmbein |
26 October 2009
Particles are back in the LHC!
"During the last weekend (23-25 October) particles have once again entered the LHC after the one-year break that followed the incident of September 2008. ..."
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From Science
22 October 2009
It's On! "God Particle" Race Intensifies as Obama Tries to Keep Particle Smasher in Hunt
"... Brinkman, who took over the $4.9 billion science office in late June, also had some harsh words for advocates of the International Linear Collider, a 30-kilometer-long straight-shot particle smasher that would study in detail the new particles and phenomena physicists hope to glimpse at the LHC. ..."
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Accelerators everywhere – the ILC in context
Today's issue features a Director's Corner from Brian Foster, Global Design Effort European Regional Director.

Brian Foster writes from the the "Accelerators for America's Future" meeting held at Washington, D.C. |
Although not an aficionado of "Twitter" or "Facebook", the answer to the question "What are you doing right now" happens for once to be interesting. In an effort to meet my copy deadline, I am writing this during the lunch break in the "Accelerators for America's Future" meeting held in Washington, D.C. and sponsored by the US Department of Energy. The meeting is intended to raise the profile and set the strategy for the future of accelerator physics in the US. The morning's talks have been in turn illuminating, amusing, and infuriating. Read on.
-- Brian Foster
Director's Corner Archive |
Hearing the buzz: future of accelerators in the US
Accelerators are bit of a buzzword these days – hardly surprising, with the LHC about to start up and the Tevatron still running strong. This week and last week, two meetings dedicated to the accelerator buzz took place in Washington, DC – the High-Energy Physics Evaluation Panel (HEPAP) on 22 October and the meeting on 'Accelerators for America's Future' on 26 October (mentioned in today's Director's Corner by Brian Foster).
Many of the talks and discussions featured the ILC, so if you want to know the US opinions and plans for accelerators, follow this link to all the HEPAP talks and this to all accelerators for America meeting talks.
arXiv preprints
Future Facilities Summary
Superconducting RF cavity R&D for future accelerators
TeV Scale Inverse Seesaw in SO(10) and Leptonic Non-Unitarity Effects
Calibration Studies and the Investigation of Track Segments within Showers with an Imaging Hadronic Calorimeter