In the News
From symmetry breaking29 March 2011The Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment brings Chinese and American scientists together with colleagues from Russia, Taiwan, and the Czech Republic to investigate perhaps the most important unanswered question relating to the phenomenon of neutrino oscillation.
From Inside SU28 March 2011Shortly after experiments on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the CERN laboratory near Geneva, Switzerland, began yielding scientific data last fall, a group of scientists led by a Syracuse University physicist became the first to observe the decays of a rare particle that was present right after the Big Bang.
From LAL24 March 2011This prize…is awarded to front-line researchers who have had responsibility for machine and detector construction and derived maximum scientific benefit from such projects…
From Scientific American24 March 2011The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has produced several nuclei of the antimatter counterpart to helium 4
From Nature23 March 2011The race to detect dark matter has yielded mostly confusion. But the larger, more sensitive detectors being built could change that picture soon.
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