

ILD collaborators make progress on detector design options

by Ties Behnke (DESY) and Roman Poeschl (CNRS/LAL)

With the publication of the Detailed Baseline Design Report in their sights, members of the ILD collaboration work diligently to form realisable models of their detector, ones that take into account both their physics simulations and the nuts and bolts of engineering designs.


All aboard the long bunch train

Collaborators for the ILC and for DESY’s FLASH facility learn from long bunch train studies at a recent workshop

by Leah Hesla

Learning to stabilise a particle beam of longer pulses such as those needed for the ILC requires diligence, patience and practice. ILC and FLASH scientists share the fruits of all three at the recent workshop on long bunch trains.

Director's Corner

Congratulations to Shin-ichi Kurokawa

by Barry Barish

Shin-ichi Kurokawa, who has been so instrumental in developing the Asian collaboration for the Global Design Effort, was awarded the Rolf Widerøe Prize for outstanding work in the accelerator field by the European Physical Society Accelerator Group

Image of the week

Young scientists at KEK

Image: Nobuko Kobayashi

Junior high school students in the Tsukuba area visited KEK for their school’s job experience programme. Here they use a Kyoto camera to look for defects on the inside of an accelerating cavity.

In the News

  • from The Economist
    24 June 2011
    MINOS beams muon-neutrinos from Fermilab, America’s biggest particle-physics lab located near Chicago, to a 5,000-tonne detector sitting in the Soudan mine in Minnesota, 735km (450 miles) to the north-west. On June 24th its researchers announced that they, too, had witnessed some of muon-neutrinos change to the electron variety along the way.
  • from Science
    23 June 2011
    Physics fans, hold your breath: An underground lab that’s absolutely vital to the future of particle physics in the United States will cost the Department of Energy (DOE) between $1.2 billion and $2.2 billion, according to a study presented today to the federal High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP).
  • from EuCARD
    April – June 2011
    As accelerators are becoming more powerful the potential radiation damage to the components increases. Accelerator beams of the past have not contained enough energy to do the damage which beams in the future upgrades of the LHC and other future accelerator projects will be able to do
  • from EuCARD
    April – June 2011
    Pb has a quantum efficiency ten times greater than that of Nb, the more traditional SC photocathode material. It is therefore possible to produce a beam with higher brightness and average current than with Nb.