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Superconductor scientists
Nearly 400 researchers gathered in Chicago last week for the SRF2011 conference. |
In the News
from The New York Times1 August 2011Recently physicists have been turning over cards like crazy, most notably at a meeting in Grenoble, France. So far, the ace is still missing, and some of those potential discoveries have disappeared, but some physicists now think they may know which card the Higgs is hiding under — though they disagree on when it will finally be turned over.
from Physics TodayAugust 2011Our understanding of fundamental particles has developed in ways that were unimaginable 100 years ago, when the atomic nucleus was first glimpsed.
from Physics Today29 July 2011The House has approved $6 billion in cuts to the Department of Energy for 2012, but the Senate may restore much of that.
from Reuters27 July 2011Fermilab Today, its daily bulletin, said James, reported in Grenoble that researchers on the centre’s Tevatron collider — friendly rival to the LHC — were stepping up their experiments in the search for the Higgs.
from physicsworld.com27 July 2011The latest breakthrough involves antiprotonic helium and is published in Nature today. This exotic “atom” is formed when one electron in a helium atom is replaced with an antiproton, which is negatively charged.
from Discover27 July 2011A huge raft of results has been presented at two large international conferences: the annual European Physical Society meeting on high energy physics in Grenoble, France, and the Particles and Nuclei International Conference (PANIC11) at MIT in Cambridge, MA.
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