On 27 August, one day prior to the POSIPOL 2011 workshop in Beijing – an annual workshop dedicated to polarised positron source R&D for ILC and CLIC – ILC polarised positron source experts gathered to attend an ILC positron collaboration meeting held at the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to discuss the current status of ongoing positron-related R&D, accelerator design and integration studies.
Almost 20 scientists from Europe, Asia and the US, including some following via videoconference, participated in the meeting. “The particular aims of this meeting are to prepare for the ILC Technical Design Report (TDR) documentation and the ILC positron technical baseline review, to be held in late October at DESY,” said Wei Gai, the Global Design Effort (GDE) positron technical area group leader and organiser for this meeting, in his opening remarks.

These simulations are a part of a major simulation task for heat and stress loads in components of the ILC positron source. These pictures show the evolution of a time-dependent simulation with ANSYS software tool for the ILC photon beam penetrating a titanium alloy positron production target. Due to energy transfer, which occurs in the sub-microsecond range, the maximal deformation occurs at the back side of the 0.4 X0-thick target of about 5 micrometres. The diameter of the deformation is equivalent to the diameter of the incident photon beam of about 2 millimetres, which leads to a final positron polarisation degree of 60 percent. Images courtesy of Andriy Ushakov, DESY
Twelve talks were given by project managers and research scientists. Topics included technical design phase status, undulator research, positron target, optical matching device (OMD), capture optics, collimation, source modeling, remote handling and polarisation. According to the discussions, major progress has been made since their last meeting a year ago, particularly on the collimator design and simulations. Also the OMD design is now completed and prototyping will begin very soon. Scientists also evaluated the potential of R&D on alternative technologies and upgrades to be carried out after the technical design phase, which would fit well with recent discussions on the 1 TeV upgrade and cost containment.
In addition, the group created a schedule for the next twelve months that outlines the actual writing and editing of the ILC TDR and allows for the collection of key supporting documents. “We will be busy fixing every parameter for every major component of the positron system and making sure we have enough confidence in the future to construct the positron source for the ILC,” Gai said.
Stay tuned to NewsLine to learn more about the POSIPOL 2011 workshop.
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