In the News
from New Scientist28 September 2011Once king the Tevatron is due to shut down on 30 September as it can no longer compete with the energies achieved by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN near Geneva Switzerland. “It is being superseded” admits Fermilab director Pier Oddone.
from europapress.es26 September 2011El director de la Organización Europea para la Investigación Nuclear (CERN) Rolf Heuer ha dicho este lunes que no cree que Albert Einsten se equivocara al enunciar su Teoría de la Relatividad y ha insistido en que aún debe verificarse el estudio que ha descubierto partículas subatómicas llamadas neutrinos que son más rápidas que la velocidad de la luz.
from abc.es26 September 2011Rolf Heuer director general del CERN dice que la confirmación de que existen partículas más rápidas que la luz llegará en 2012 aunque no cree “que Einstein se equivocara”
from CERN Courier23 September 2011A quarter-century of experimentation is coming to a close at Fermilab’s Tevatron collider a pioneering instrument that advanced the frontiers of accelerator science and particle physics alike setting the stage for the LHC at CERN.
from Wired23 September 2011Figuring out whether anything is traveling beyond the speed of light requires incredibly accurate measurements of time and distance and the OPERA team has made an extensive effort to make its work as accurate as possible.
from The Guardian23 September 2011Scientists react with disbelief and call for repeat experiments after results suggest particles can travel faster than light.
from El Pais09 September 2011Como físico de aceleradores participó en el diseño construcción y puesta a punto el año pasado del acelerador de partículas sincrotrón Alba de Barcelona.
from Daily Yomiuri Online8 September 2011Japan’s bid to host the International Linear Collider (ILC) a huge scientific undertaking aimed at reproducing the conditions and matter created immediately after the big bang is in full swing.
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