
Director's Corner

The LHC performance and prospects

by Barry Barish

The LHC is now operating successfully at 3.5 TeV in a physics data-taking mode, and a significant amount of data has already been recorded, analysed and reported. The early results are already narrowing the available mass range for the Higgs boson and are setting limits on supersymmetric particles. Significant results can be expected from this data run, which is currently scheduled to last until the end of 2012.

Around the World

From Fermilab Today: Staff and users celebrated the Tevatron’s last beam – Sept. 30

The Tevatron again and again did the impossible. It was the world’s first superconducting synchrotron. It required the development of the world’s most intense, consistent source of antiprotons. It eventually operated 300 times beyond its original design capabilities.


Around the World

Spanish journey to the heart of matter

François Richard speaks to Granada residents about the universe, how scientists conceive it and the role of particle colliders in illuminating it

by Perrine Royole-Degieux

With the news of superluminous neutrinos in the air, the residents of Granada, Spain were primed and ready to learn more about the strange world of particles from François Richard, who gave a public lecture during the week of this year’s international workshop on linear colliders.

Image of the week

ILC squat team

Image: Nicholas Walker

Eckhard Elsen, Karsten Buesser and Klaus Sinram take a Segway tour of Granada, Spain.

In the News

  • from symmetry breaking
    4 October 2011
    This week an international organization made public their vision for the future of particle physics across the globe. The International Committee for Future Accelerators have placed on the web their report, “Beacons of Discovery”.
  • from Reuters
    4 October 2011
    The “astounding” discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up won the Nobel physics prize on Tuesday for three astronomers whose observations of exploding stars transformed our view of the world, and of how it may end.
  • from Reuters
    3 October 2011
    Gathering for four days at CERN near Geneva, scientists and heads of major research centers around the globe are looking at how to combine resources and funding for the project, the International Linear Collider (ILC).
  • from The Economist
    1 October 2011
    It already looks likely that the successor to the LHC, a device called the International Linear Collider (ILC), will be built in Japan (if it is built at all).
  • from EuCARD
    July – September 2011
    Tasked with verifying the fabrication of CLIC components, “Infinity” is a new precision measuring machine that is now part of the CERN Metrology Service.