Video of the week
ICFA leaders discuss the ILCCERN Director General Rolf Heuer, Fermilab Director Pier Oddone and KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki discuss the state of high-energy physics at the Geneva Press Club's press conference of the International Committee on Future Accelerators.
The lab directors begin directly addressing the press at 6'44. |
In the News
from TechNewsWorld10 October 2011Some of the world’s foremost particle physicists say they’re closing in on proving or disproving whether the Higgs boson exists, and they think they’ll have an answer within 12 months.
from Nature10 October 2011The SuperB factory, a particle accelerator to be built on the campus of the University of Rome Tor Vergata over the next six years, was officially launched on Friday. But the project faces uncertain funding and competition from a Japanese project.
from International Business Times10 October 2011A new “science city” may soon emerge with the creation of the International Linear Collider, a new multi-billion dollar particle smasher.
from swissinfo.ch6 October 2011“We are moving ahead on the research and development in order to be ready when we find something at the LHC,” Heuer told journalists. “The ILC has a more limited energy range than the CLIC but is more mature.”
from Brookhaven Today30 September 2011A haze of dust hangs in the air above Polly and a handful of other physicists and engineers who’ve gathered together to help resurrect the $20-million machine by transporting it hundreds of miles to Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois.
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