Image of the week
Quiltwork eventHappy New Year! Perhaps this year will bring a discovery resembling the event being depicted on this bright, bursting-with-energy quilt. Artist Susan Jackan fused and machine-embroidered this quilted depiction of a Higgs event, titled The Heart of the Matter. Stitched and fabric art works of scientific scenes, phenomena and ideas are currently on display in the exhibit Stitched Together: Art and Science at the Fermilab Art Gallery. |
In the News
from NIKKEI2 January 2012Tohoku is eager to invite the accelerator to reveal the mystery of the universe, with an expectation for the restoration of the affected area, after the Higgs is discovered.
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from USA TODAY1 January 2012Just one day after physicists at Europe’s CERN lab announced on Dec. 14, that they had two experiments narrowing in on that elusive elementary particle, more properly called the Higgs boson, Japan’s Prime Minister, Yoshihiko Noda kicked off a Tokyo physics symposium by announcing Japan’s bid to build the International Linear Collider (ILC) project, the next, big, grand thing in high-energy physics.
from BBC News22 December 2011The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the Franco-Swiss border has made its first clear observation of a new particle since opening in 2009.
from KEK22 December 2011A group of three researchers from KEK, Shizuoka University and Osaka University has for the first time revealed the way our universe was born with 3 spatial dimensions from 10-dimensional superstring theory in which spacetime has 9 spatial directions and 1 temporal direction.
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