Image of the week
A beam of particles helps authenticate an early Vincent van Gogh painting
Image: Kröller-Müller Museum
DESY's synchrotron radiation source DORIS has helped settle a decades-old question of whether van Gogh painted the 1886 Still life with meadow flowers. Using macro scanning X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, scientists were able to analyse the canvas's layers of paint with greater detail than had been possible previously.
Earlier X-ray analyses had shown that a painter - suspected to be van Gogh - had painted a scene of two wrestlers on the canvas before painting the flower still life over it several months later. DESY's work revealed even more, in particular, the color palette the painter used for the two wrestlers and their relative state of dress. Both attributes helped authenticate the work as a van Gogh.
A beam of particles (figuratively) painted picture of greater detail.
Read the DESY press release
In the News
from Discovery News
19 March 2012
Over the weekend, physicists and engineers at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) nudged proton beam energies to a new record: 4 Tera-electron volts (TeV). This record comes shortly after CERN announced last month they’d be cranking up the juice through 2012.
from Science
16 March 2012
Racing to beat competitors around the world to make a key measurement, they worked through the 23 January holiday and surrounding festivities. “Those of us working on the data analysis didn’t take time off,” says Yifang Wang, co-spokesperson for the Daya Bay collaboration and director of the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing. “We were determined to do this.”
from Scientific American
16 March 2012
Albert may still be right. An attempt to repeat an experiment that showed a subatomic particle traveling faster than the speed of light suggests that the earlier result may have erred, and that Einstein’s famed special theory of relativity remains intact.
from symmetry breaking
14 March 2012
Scientists recently proved possible a new way to converse when radio waves won’t do. For the first time, physicists and engineers have successfully transmitted a message using neutrinos.
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