

New ILC website launched in Japan

by Rika Takahashi

Particle cartoons, enticing images, animations and lots and lots of information – that’s what a new website dedicated to the ILC in Japan offers its visitors to help them learn more about the ILC and particle physics. Created by the Advanced Accelerator Association promoting science and technology, it went live on Monday this week.

Image of the week

Celebrating the Tevatron

Image: Fermilab, Reidar Hahn

The Tevatron may have stopped running, but it still manages to attract a massive crowd. On Monday, Fermilab celebrated the Tevatron’s contributions to science, technology and society in the Tevatron Impact Symposium.

Director's Corner

Scientific justification for the ILC

by Barry Barish

At the KILC12 workshop in Daegu, Korea, in May, there was a panel discussion on the topic of what will be required to provide scientific justification for the International Linear Collider. The panel consisted of a cross-section of workshop attendees, accelerator physicists, detector experts, theorists and even one of our communicators. The panel discussion produced areas of agreement, some differences and homework.

Video of the week

Dr Higgs explains acceleration

Video: AAA

A taster of the fun things the new Japanese ILC website (see this week's feature story) has in store: with the help of a bunch of batteries, Dr Higgs explains how the ILC works to a child and his mother. In a cartoon, of course.

In the News

  • from Reuters
    12 June 2012

    Researchers on the collider’s separate ATLAS and CMS detectors have been “blinded” – or cut off from findings from the rival team and even from different groups inside their own. CERN spokesman James Gillies said the centre would want to make any important announcement, once there was something to say, in Geneva.” (…)”Blinding” is used in science to ensure that different groups working on identical experiments but with different if similar equipment do not influence the outcome of each other’s research.If they then come to the same conclusion, they can safely be seen to have independently validated each other’s results, clearing the way to actually claiming a discovery.

  • from
    11 June 2012

    Según el experto, Japón se postula como el candidato con más posibilidades de albergar el ILC, ya que estaría dispuesto a contribuir con la mitad de la suma necesaria para financiar el proyecto, que contará con la participación de los grandes laboratorios mundiales. Richard se mostró esperanzado en que no haya disputa por la futura ubicación del acelerador, evitando así lo que sucedió con el ITER

  • from CERN Bulletin
    11 June 2012

    CERN physicists, take out your smartphones! Two new particle physics applications for Android phones have been developed by a physicist from the University of Bern: “Particle Properties” and “Particle Physics Booklet 2010”.

  • from New Scientist
    8 June 2012

    “This is the first time that velocity was measured with that level of accuracy,” Autiero says. But all of that was a sidebar to the experiment’s real goal: catching shape-shifting neutrinos in the act.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    8 June 2012

    本県への国際リニアコライダー(ILC)誘致を目指す県国際リニアコライダー推進協議会(会長・元持勝利県商工会議所連合会長)主催の講演会は7日、盛岡市上田3丁目の盛岡一高(高橋和雄校長、生徒884人)で開かれ、東京大素粒子物理国際研究センターの山下了准教授が講演した。(Scientist gave an ILC lecture at Morioka Daiichi high school with a view to realise the ILC in Tohoku area)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    7 June 2012

    本県の北上山地(北上高地)への誘致を目指す国際リニアコライダー(ILC)について、県と東北大が実施した地質調査の結果がまとまった。(Iwate prefecture and Tohoku University released the report of preliminary site investigation in Tohoku area, and the official says Kitakami mountain has a good geology for ILC construction.)

  • from INFN
    6 June 2012

    The OPERA collaboration has announced yesterday at the Neutrino 2012 conference in Japan, the observation of their second neutrino tau interaction, after the first observation made in 2010.