ILC NewsLine special issue
Video of the week
Lyn Evans talks to the BBC about his life before the Linear Collider
In a 2009 video interview with the BBC, new Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans talks about how he, a miner's son from Wales, became project leader of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. He says that "a random walk of life" brought him from Swansea to CERN, now another (not quite so random) walk of life has delivered a new challenge: uniting the linear collider efforts.
In the News
from Reuters
20 June 2012
* Linear technology to be used
* Projects will prioritise search for dark matter, energy
* All major powers will cooperate
20 June 2012
Prominent British physicist Lyn Evans has been named as the head for a planned international particle accelerator effort.
from The Ithaca Journal
18 June 2012
Future funding uncertain, lab director says
from The Guardian
18 June 2012
Neutrinos in Cheltenham, scepticism about art/science links and an example of art and quantum mechanics which worked for me
from SLAC
18 June 2012
Recently analyzed data from the BaBar experiment may suggest possible flaws in the Standard Model of particle physics, the reigning description of how the universe works on subatomic scales.
from Spiegel online
18 June 2012
Ist das Gottesteilchen nun endlich entdeckt? In mehreren Blogs kursieren entsprechende Gerüchte – und sogar konkrete Zahlen. An den Messungen beteiligte Physiker wollen die Entdeckung jedoch nicht bestätigen.
from DESY
14 June 2012
The European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (EuropeanXFEL) reached an important milestone: the construction of the network of tunnels, which total nearly 5.8 kilometres in length and extend 3.4 kilometres from Hamburg-Bahrenfeld to Schenefeld in Schleswig-Holstein, is now finished.
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