In the News
from China Daily
25 July 2012
But the role of LHC is likely to be challenged soon. Some 2,000 accelerator and particle physicists, engineers, theorists, technicians, students, software experts and others, from all corners of the world, are working on the design and technologies for the next-generation particle accelerator International Linear Collider.
from Kahoku Shinpo
19 July 2012
国際プロジェクトで建設する超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の岩手県南部、北上山地への誘致を目指し、県内の経済団体などでつくる推進協議会は18日、盛岡市で講演会を開いた。(Aiming for the bid of ILC to Kitakami hill, the promotion association consisting of industrial bodies in Iwate prefecture hosted the lecture in Morioka city.)
from The Economist
19 July 2012
If you could design a dream machine to succeed the LHC, what would it be?
The natural next step is to build what is known as a linear collider, as opposed to a circular one like the LHC.
from Saga Shimbun
17 July 2012
宇宙誕生を読み解く鍵とされる「ヒッグス粒子」と、県が誘致を目指すILC(国際リニアコライダー)をテーマにした講演会が16日、武雄市であった。(The lecture on the ILC and Higgs particle was held in Kakeo city, Saga prefecture. Saga is interested in inviting the ILC to the area.)
from SankeiBiz
13 July 2012
民間企業の労使や学識者で構成する政策発信組織の「日本創成会議」(座長・増田寛也元総務相)は12日、「ヒッグス粒子」研究で注目されたジュネーブ郊外の大型加速器の後継器を国内に誘致すべきだとの提言を発表した。(Japan Policy Council, founded by business and labor leaders and scholars, aims to create a grand design, issued the recommendation to invite next generation accelerator to Japan)
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