Image of the week
Image: DESY
The designated Linear Collider Director Lyn Evans, who will take up his new role when the ILC Technical Design Report has been officially delivered next summer, is already touring the labs. On Monday and Tuesday he visited DESY to inspect its cavity production facilities and chat to DESY scientists about the future.
In the News
12 August 2012
On réfléchit déjà à des machines géantes, linéaires (pour éviter les pertes par rayonnement à hautes énergies dans les machines circulaires), et qui étudierait des collisions électrons-positrons et non plus protons-protons, car les premières sont beaucoup plus “propres” que celles entre protons qui consistent à faire se rencontrer violemment, des “sacs” de quarks dans une explosion de collisions difficiles à bien étudier. (google translation)
from Deutschlandradio
11 August 2012
Über die Bedeutung der Teilchenphysik für das Verständnis der Welt
Gäste: Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Physiker und Generaldirektor des CERN, und Ulrich Woelk, Astrophysiker und Schriftsteller (google translation)
10 August 2012
Een ander punt is dat er al jaren wordt overlegd over een nieuwe deeltjesversneller, die in een rechte in plaats van een cirkelvormige tunnel moet worden gebouwd: de International Linear Collider (ILC). (google translation)
from NPR
10 August
For fifty years, physicists have flocked to the Aspen Center for Physics to ponder their ideas amidst the serenity of the Rocky Mountains. The string theory revolution started there, and over the years the center has hosted 10,000 theoretical physicists—53 of whom are Nobel laureates.
from Nature
8 August 2012
Theorists left reeling after billionaire reveals massive prize.
from The Huffington Post
8 August 2012
But few outside a small community of specialized mathematicians and theoretical physicists know that, in fact, the discovery of the Higgs boson is even more significant than has been popularly explained.
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