Image of the week
Machine graphic updated - can be used in talks and more
Image: ILC / form one
The damping rings have the right shape, transfer lines, sources, detectors and linacs are in their proper places – the ILC overview graphic has been updated in time for the Technical Design Report. Use it to explain the ILC and your area of expertise in talks, put it into your papers or simply print it out and hang it up - but please feel free to use it!
In the News
from New Scientist
22 August 2012
Fulfilling expectations is normally a good thing. But the fact that the newly discovered Higgs boson is behaving exactly as expected is cutting its chances of lighting a path to new physics.
from Viet Times
21 August 2012
Tuy nhiên, ngay cả những cỗ máy “siêu hiện đại” nói trên cũng vẫn chưa đáp ứng được yêu cầu của Cộng đồng Vật lý hạt. Một dự án “Máy gia tốc tuyến tính quốc tế” (International Linear Collider, viết tắt ILC) với sự hợp tác của nhiều quốc gia đang được gấp rút soạn thảo (google translation)
14 August 2012
Scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) on Monday claimed their particle-collision experiments have made new measurements of the kind of matter that probably existed in the first instants of the Universe.
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