Barry Barish and Sakue Yamada handing over the TDR to ILCSC chair Jon Bagger. Image: Nobuko Kobayashi
Tokyo, 15 December. The draft of the Technical Design Report (TDR) for the planned International Linear Collider ILC was handed over to Jonathan Bagger, the chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee (ILCSC), at an official ceremony in Tokyo, Japan, on 15 December. This draft is the product of many years of research and development and a series of in-depth technical reviews for the ILC, the potential next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The handing over of the TDR draft marks the ILC’s major step towards the completion of its final design.
“The ILCSC is pleased to accept the draft report. Our committee has been overseeing ILC activities since their inception, so we are sure the design is sound. We will now examine the Technical Design Report and provide our feedback,” says Jonathan Bagger, chair of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee.
At the ceremony, Barry Barish, Director of the ILC’s Global Design Effort (GDE) and Sakue Yamada, ILC Research Director, representing the ILC’s international planning team, introduced the results of several years of intensive research and development work on accelerator and detector technologies, as well as in-depth internal reviews of both the accelerator and detector reports. The technologies to be used for the International Linear Collider, including superconducting radiofrequency acceleration with high gradients and state-of-the-art detector technologies, have reached a stage where, should governments decide in favour, the collider could be built immediately.
“Today’s handover is an exciting time for the linear collider – our mandate, the basis of the final design and the future construction for the ILC project has been completed and we’re basically ready to push the green button,” says Barry Barish, Director of the Global Design Effort.
“Young people from around the world have been working hard on designing and testing new detectors and making calculations and simulations for the challenging but rewarding physics possibilities of the ILC. It is great to see all this work culminating in the design report,” says Sakue Yamada, ILC Research Director.
At the ceremony, three volumes of the reports were submitted: Volume 1 “Physics at the International Linear Collider”, Volume 2 “Accelerator” (Part 1 and 2), and Volume 3 “Physics and Detector Detailed Baseline Design”. A separate review concentrating on the cost part of the TDR will be done in January, and the results of these reviews will be presented to the ILCSC in Vancouver in February 2013, when they meet jointly with the new Linear Collider Collaboration Board. The Linear Collider Board is a new oversight committee for the Linear Collider Collaboration that will take up office at the same time. The Linear Collider Collaboration will combine the two linear collider projects, ILC and CLIC, under one organisational roof. After this review, the final version of the TDR will be officially delivered to the International Committee for Future Accelerators (ICFA) in June 2013.
The accelerator volumes of TDR are the final deliverables for the GDE that summarise both the R&D accomplishments and present a proposed design for the ILC. Combined with the accelerator design, the Research Directorate in their two volumes of the TDR demonstrated that many milestones have been accomplished in all the R&D programmes, and the chosen technologies are capable of meeting the demanding performance goals needed for an ILC.
Lyn Evans, new Linear Collider Director, who will lead the Linear Collider Collaboration from February 2013, also attended the ceremony. He is currently chairman of the Project Advisory Committee that just finished the final technical review on the TDR at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba, Japan in the days preceding the ceremony.
“I am impressed with the accomplishments presented in the ILC TDR and look forward to leading the two linear collider groups ILC and CLIC into a new phase,” says Lyn Evans, future Linear Collider Director.
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