We invite you to sign the Detailed Baseline Design (DBD) report of the ILC detectors, which now exists as a nearly final draft. It summarises the R&D achievements of the ILC Letter-of-Intent period. The contents reflect the many contributions of very many collaborators.
While this draft is undergoing minor revision following the recent review by the International Detector Advisory Group (IDAG) and the ILC Project Advisory Committee, it is almost in the final form.
A list of signatories will be included in the report. We wish to include those who contributed already in any way or who wish to join the activity in the next stage. We also would like to include names of anyone who supports advancing further the world ILC effort.
In the News
from New Scientist
21 January 2013
Anyone who fondly remembers the heady days in early July 2012 when the discovery of the Higgs boson was hotly anticipated, and eventually announced, can now relive the thrilling experience thanks to an analysis of Higgs-related traffic on Twitter.
from Saga shinbun
19 January 2013
「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)計画で、九州経済連合会(九経連)の松尾新吾会長は18日、候補地の一つとなっている脊振山地への誘致推進組織を立ち上げる考えを示した。(Shingo Matsuo, chair of the Kyushu Economic Federation announced on 18 January the plan to establish the new body to promote the activity to invite the ILC to Sefuri mountains, one of the two candidate construction sites in Japan.)
from Iwate Nippo
19 January 2013
超大型加速器・国際リニアコライダー(ILC)について、下村博文文部科学相は18日の閣議後会見で「わが国としては、ぜひ日本国内に誘致したい」と明言した。今年前半に欧米などの関係各国に資金協力や連携について働き掛ける予定。「政府として今年前半に積極的に関係国に働き掛けながら、今後の準備計画を考えたい」とした。(In the regular press conference held on 18 January, Japan’s science minister, Hakubun Shimomura stated the Japan’s will to invite the ILC. “The government will start the preparation process and call for the international discussion on the cooperation and financial distributions in the first half of 2013.)
from Iwate Nippo
16 January 2013
達増知事らによると下村文科相は国内誘致について、今年前半に欧米の関係国に政府間協議を呼び掛ける考えを示した。(According to the governors who met visited concerned ministries, Minister Shimomura said he will call for the discussion to the U.S. and European countries on the invitation of the ILC in the first half of 2013)
from Kahoku Shinpo
17 January 2013
東北経済連合会は16日、安倍政権に対して東日本大震災からの復興の加速を求める要望書をまとめた。国際プロジェクトとして建設される超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の岩手県南の北上山地への誘致支援なども求めることとした。(Tohoku Economic Federation completed the preparation of the petition to be submitted to the government on 16 January. They included the request for the support on the invitation of the ILC to Iwate prefecture in the petition.)
from Kahoku Shinpo
13 January 2013
青森、岩手、宮城、福島の4県は合同で、東日本大震災からの復旧、復興に向けた財政措置などを求める要望書を15日、安倍晋三首相に提出する。国際プロジェクトで建設される超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の東北誘致も求める。(Local governments of Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima jointly present the petition to Minister Shinzo Abe on 15 January, which include the request for the invitation of the ILC to Tohoku area.)
from Kahoku Shinpo
10 January 2013
達増拓也岩手県知事は8日、下村博文文部科学相を訪れ、科学者らが建設を目指している次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」について、「東日本 全体の復興の象徴として、国家プロジェクト、国際協力事業としてぜひ進めていただきたい」と岩手県・北上山地への誘致に協力を求めた。(Takuya Tasso, the governor of Iwate prefecture visited Hakubun Shimomura, Japan’s science minister asking for the support to invite ILC as one of the measure to recover from the major earthquake)
from Iwate Nippo
10 January 2013
達増知事は8日、東京・永田町の自民党本部と各省で、震災復興や2013年度政府予算編成、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致などについて要望活動を行った。(Governor Takuya Tasso visited the headquarter of Liberal Democratic Party and concerned government ministries on 8 January, and made representation on the issues such as recovery from the earthquake and inviting the ILC to Japan)
from Japan Times
9 January 2013
Following the discovery, the design specifications for the 31-km-long, powerful International Linear Collider were completed. The ILC is expected to contribute to broadening human knowledge of the universe. Japan should consider inviting the ILC project by choosing a candidate site.
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