Images: DESY
How do you keep a bunch of physicists and engineers entertained? Give them a sense of accomplishment ("we've finished the Technical Design Report!"), a challenge ("how can we tackle the problems of the next phase?"), a sense of momentum (good signals from Japan for potentially hosting the ILC). And a bag of gummy bears. This year's first big linear collider workshop, ECFA LC2013, is in full swing at DESY in Hamburg, and more than 300 people are busy discussing results and the future. Here are some impressions.
In the News
from Yomiuri Shimbun
24 May 2013
経済同友会の第26回全国経済同友会セミナーが23日、盛岡市の盛岡グランドホテルで2日間の日程で開会した。高橋真裕岩手経済同友会代表幹事(岩手銀頭取)は、(中略)復興を加速させる新産業創出の目玉として、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)誘致の必要性をアピールした。The 26th meeting of the Association of Corporate Executives was held on 23 May in Morioka, Iwate. Masahiro Takahashi, Chairman of the Association of Corporate Executives of Iwate prefecture stressed the importance of the invitation of the ILC to Tohoku area as a driving force for the recovery which will create new industry)
from Deutschlandfunk
24 May 2013
Aber ein durchaus heikler Plan. Denn er stellt ein anderes, lange geplantes Megaprojekt der Teilchenforschung in Frage – den ILC, einen 20 km langen Linearbeschleuniger für Elektronen.
from Sankei Shimbun
24 May 2013
北海道・東北六県議会議長会議が23日、仙台市内で開かれ、次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の東北誘致を求める決議案を全会一致で可決した。(The prefectural assembly chairmans of six prefectures in north east area and Hokkaido met on 23 May in Sendai, Miyagi, and the resolution to request the invitation of the ILC to Tohoku area was unanimously approved.)
from Fashion headline
23 May 2013
24日から29日まで、原宿の「トーキョー・カルチャート・バイ・ビームス(TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS)」にて、チームラボ制作の動画作品「脊振(せふり)ILCハイスクール」を元にした「脊振ILC展」が開催される。(From 24 to 29 May, the “ILC Sefuri” exhibition will be held at TOKYO CULTUART by BEAMS. )
from RKB News
23 May 2013
ILC=国際リニアコライダーの誘致を目指す佐賀県の古川知事は、スイスにある同じような国際研究施設を視察した報告で、今後は国としての取り組みが重要になるとの考えを示しました。(Saga prefecture governor Furukawa said at the briefing on his visit to CERN, that the Japanese government’s effort will be the key for the realisation of the ILC)
20 May 2013
Several countries aim to host one of these international physics collaborations, and two regions in Japan have created marketing videos to garner support for a future ILC site. With the same goal in mind, both regions took radically different approaches to their video projects.
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