

Press release: Next-generation particle accelerator is ready for construction

International Linear Collider publishes its Technical Design Report

Tokyo, Geneva, Chicago – 12 June 2013. A five-volume report containing the blueprint for a future particle physics project, the International Linear Collider (ILC), was published today. In three consecutive ceremonies in Asia, Europe and the Americas, the authors of the Technical Design Report for the International Linear Collider, a next-generation particle collider to complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, officially handed the report over to the international oversight board for projects in particle physics, the International Committee for Future Accelerators ICFA. The Technical Design Report presents the latest, most technologically advanced and most thoroughly scrutinised design for the ILC.

Director's Corner

The Global Design Effort completes its mandate in style and substance

by Barry Barish

The Global Design Effort has completed its mandate to produce a technical design for the ILC. Yesterday’s official handover of the Technical Design Report to ICFA was the culmination of a celebratory three continent event this week. The discovery of the Higgs particle at the LHC at CERN, the production of a viable design for a complementary electron-positron linear collider and the interest of the Japanese in hosting this machine combine to greatly encourage our communities’ hopes and dreams of building the ILC.

Video of the week

Worldwide video

The nature of a worldwide event happening consecutively in three regions of world is that people can only attend one of the three. So when celebrations ended in Japan and started in Europe, a video of the Asian event showed the participants in Europe what had happened during the day. Likewise, when Europe handed over the Americas, a summary video showed the key moments of both the Asian and the European celebrations. Watch these videos here.

Image of the week

Tunnel vision

by Barbara Warmbein

During the ECFA LC2013 workshop that took place a the end of May at DESY in Hamburg, the LC management, civil engineering and machine-detector interface experts visited the tunnel of the future European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser XFEL - a week before construction was officially finished. DESY and the European XFEL celebrated the completion of the construction work with a ceremony, atmospheric lights and music in the new tunnel. Watch the slideshow.

In the News

  • from The Asahi Shimbun
    13 June 2013

    Japanese researchers plan to choose a final candidate by the end of July for submission to the government for approval.

  • from Le Temps
    13 June 2013

    …l’ILC fait se rencontrer des particules élémentaires, les électrons et les positrons, dont les interactions sont moins complexes et dont on peut bien maîtriser l’énergie. Il devrait donc nous livrer des informations plus précises», indique pour sa part Sandro de Cecco, du Laboratoire de physique nucléaire et des hautes énergies du CNRS, à Paris.

  • from ExtremeTech
    13 June 2013

    All of the world’s major particle accelerators, including the LHC and Tevatron, are circular accelerators — which is why the International Linear Collider is so interesting.

  • from reuters
    12 June 2013

    The government has decided to solicit construction in Japan of the International Linear Collider (ILC), a next-generation particle accelerator that will allow physicists to explore rudimentary questions about the universe, the Nikkei said.

  • from El País
    12 June 2013

    El Informe Técnico de Diseño, en el que han trabajado expertos de más de un centenar de universidades y laboratorios de 12 países, incluye un plan de trabajo para ponerlo en marcha.

  • from CNET
    12 June 2013

    The blueprints are ready. If it gets funded, the multibillion-dollar International Linear Collider could help solve the mystery of cosmic dark matter.

  • from Gizmodo
    12 June 2013

    A team of scientists unveiled the technical designs for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a proposed particle accelerator that could unravel the deepest mysteries of the universe.

  • from The Register
    12 June 2013

    The ILC will be able to study this elusive particle in greater detail and boasts extra-sensitive instruments to measure the collisions between electrons and positrons, which are crashed into one another at high speeds in the hope of producing a Higgs Boson. All that’s left to do now is pitch the design to governments. Oh, and build it.

  • from El País
    12 June 2013

    Hoy se presenta a escala mundial el que debe ser el futuro gran acelerador de partículas, el ILC (siglas en inglés de Colisionador Lineal Internacional), y sus detectores. Será una máquina lineal, en lugar de circular, medirá 35 kilómetros y Japón quiere alojarla.

  • from
    12 June 2013

    Si chiama Ilc, presentato in Giappone, Europa e Usa. Il progetto ha coinvolto una squadra internazionale di ricerca che comprende oltre mille fra ricercatori e ingegneri di oltre 100 universita’ e laboratori di oltre 20 Paesi. L’Italia partecipa, nell’ambito del Cern, con l’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Infn).

  • from The Verge
    12 June 2013

    But there are still two major obstacles standing in the way of the construction of the ILC at this point, namely, finding a host country for the project and funding it. Japan is the leading likely candidate for where the new collider may be built, with two potential sites located in the mountains, where construction is more challenging.

  • from Corriere del Ticino
    12 June 2013

    È all’apice della “carriera” e della fama, soprattutto dopo la scoperta del bosone di Higgs, ma il più grande acceleratore di particelle del mondo ha già un successore. Ha avuto infatti luce verde la costruzione dell’International Linear Collider (Ilc), un acceleratore lineare che avrà il compito di completare e approfondire le scoperte fatte con l’Lhc e, forse, fare i primi passi nel regno della cosiddetta “nuova fisica”.

  • from RIA Novosti
    12 June 2013

    Физики из многих стран мира закончили работу над техническим проектом ускорителя нового поколения — Международного линейного коллайдера (ILC), “наследника” Большого адронного коллайдера (БАК), говорится в сообщении коллаборации линейного коллайдера, которая объединяет множество ученых, в том числе из России.

  • from
    12 June 2013

    Een internationale groep van wetenschappers heeft zijn goedkeuring gegeven aan een ontwerp voor een nieuwe deeltjesversneller. Deze International Linear Collider wordt langer dan de Large Hadron Collider en wordt waarschijnlijk in Japan gebouwd.

  • from
    12 June 2013

    El documento (…) contiene todos los elementos necesarios para proponer la construcción del nuevo colisionador, el ILC, a los gobiernos colaboradores e incluye un diseño técnico y un plan de implementación “realista y optimizado para un rendimiento, coste y riesgo”.

  • from
    12 June 2013

    Doğrusal Çarpıştırıcı Birliği (Linear Collider Collaboration), Uluslararası Doğrusal Çarpıştırıcı projesi için bir çalışma (PDF) yayınladı. 31 Km uzunluğundaki elektron-pozitron çarpıştırıcısı, CERN’in şu an kullandığı Büyük Hadron Çarpıştırıcısı’ndan fiziksel olarak ve performans bakımından katbekat güçlü.

  • from The Hindu (Blog)
    11 June 2013

    All these factors combine to position the ILC as a complementary device to the LHC, its purpose. (…) In short, the ILC will make precision measurements where the LHC leaves off. For instance, the linac will measure the mass, spin and strength of the Higgs boson’s interaction with other particles. It will also go after the elusive dark matter.

  • from Press Trust of India
    9 June 2013

    “The LHC is a very noisy machine. For every billion collisions we get just one Higgs boson. The ILC is a precision instrument designed as a Higgs factory,” Lyn Evans, Cern’s project leader for the ILC, said. (… )”The next enormous prizes for these machines is finding dark matter, which makes up most of the mass in the universe but so far has never been seen,” he said.

  • from The Sunday Times
    9 June 2013

    The LHC’s successor, the International Linear Collider (ILC), will smash subatomic particles together with such force that it could reveal evidence for new forms of matter and extra dimensions of space.

  • from Japan Times
    6 June 2013

    Local governments, businesses and academic institutions in Kyushu have launched all-out joint efforts to host a proposed next-generation particle accelerator to study fundamental questions about the universe’s makeup.

  • from Japan Times
    5 June 2013

    Japan will choose a site as early as next month for a proposed next-generation particle accelerator to study the fundamental components of the universe, according to the head of the selection panel.

  • from Symmetry Magazine
    5 June 2013

    Now that Japan has expressed interest in hosting the International Linear Collider, the next-generation particle collider that will seek to better understand phenomena including the Higgs boson and dark matter, the big question is where in Japan the 31-kilometer-long machine might be built.

  • from Science
    31 May 2013

    New European physics report suggests a future international path for building a linear collider…