
Director's Corner

Moving from emotions to negotiations

by Lyn Evans

Physics isn’t usually associated with big emotions, and in the everyday life at the labs this is probably true. However, our field has recently had many momentous events, and the excitement these have caused have made particle physics one of the most popular science topics in the world. Let’s use this momentum to get ahead in our plan to build the ILC – maybe in stages and in Japan?

Around the World

SLAC inaugurates a new era for the future ILC (twice)

A group of SLAC physicists and engineers celebrate the handover of the ILC Technical Design Report.

by Julianne Wyrick

The University of Tokyo, CERN and Fermilab weren’t the only locations celebrating the handover of the International Linear Collider’s (ILC) Technical Design Report on 12 June.

Around the World

China’s strategy on next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders discussed

by YiLin Liu

From 12 to 14 June, the 464th Fragrant Hill Science Conference on “The Next-generation High Energy Electron Positron Collider - Current Situation and Future Strategy” was held in the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel. Thirty-five front-line scientists from theoretical physics, experimental physics, detectors and accelerators from eleven institutes in China joined the conference.

Scientists reviewed the achievements of high-energy-frontier experiments and current research programmes on particle physics both at home and abroad. They also discussed China's strategy for the next-generation high-energy electron-positron colliders.

Around the World

From symmetry magazine: International Linear Collider design is ‘good to go’

After nearly a decade of R&D, the International Linear Collider global design effort crosses the finish line

At a series of events held on three continents, scientists celebrated the completion of the design for a next-generation particle collider, the International Linear Collider.

Video of the week

Good things come in threes

The last issue of LC NewsLine featured the two summary videos from the Asian and the European Technical Design Report handover event. Today we are proud to present part three: the summary of the Americas event that took place at Fermilab and culminated in the handing over of a gift-wrapped set of the report from Barry Barish to Pier Oddone. Relive the baton toss again...and again... and again.

In the News

  • from Yomiuri Shimbun
    27 June 2013

    県議会は26日、6月定例会の最終本会議を開き、宇宙誕生の謎に挑む次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の九州誘致を求める決議を可決した。(Prefectural assembly of Saga adopt a resolution to invite the ILC on 26 June)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    24 June 2013
    国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致を目指す県と東北大などは23日、奥州市江刺区と一関市大東町で、建設候補地の北上山地(北 上高地)で実施した地質調査の結果報告会を開き、「ILC建設地に適している」との結論を示した。(Tohoku University held the debrief meeting on the geological investigation of the ILC construction site in Kitakami mountains, offering the conclusion that the site is suitable for the ILC construction)
  • from SX Daily
    24 June 2013
    据国外媒体报道,上周三,国际直线对撞机(International Linear Collider)蓝图被公布,日本、瑞士和美国举行了相关仪式表示这台超高能量正负电子对撞机工程进入实施阶段,科学家希望这台价值数十亿美元的机器可揭示更多的宇宙奥秘。据悉,日本政府对这项基础研究工程非常支持,很有可能最终会落户日本。
  • from Technisch Weekblad
    22 June 2013
    Vorige week publiceerde een internationaal samenwerkingsverband het technisch ontwerp van de International Linear Collider (ILC), een deeltjesversneller die in meer detail dan de succesvolle Large Hadron Collider (LHC) naar subatomaire deeltjes gaat kijken.
  • from Science
    21 June 2013
    “My first challenge is to get my arms around that process, talk to the leaders of the various efforts, and understand what the U.S. community really wants to do,” Lockyer says.
  • from Futura Sciences
    20 June 2013
    On vient d’apprendre par le Cern que les travaux concernant les plans et le programme de construction de l’ILC étaient prêts : il ne manque plus que le financement et la décision politique pour lancer sa construction, quelque part sur la planète. Beaucoup pensent qu’il sera installé au Japon, mais rien n’est encore sûr.
  • from Naperville Sun
    20 June 2013
    In the future, he said, there will be decisions to be made regarding the programs already at Fermilab, and the U.S. lab’s role in cooperative international projects, such as upgrades at CERN and the construction of the International Linear Collider, a particle accelerator on the scale of the Large Hadron Collider slated to be built under a Japanese mountain range. Fermilab, he said, will play a leading role in all of them.
  • from Maxisciences
    19 June 2013
    De plus, les physiciens espèrent poser les bases d’une “nouvelle physique”, permettant d’expliquer des phénomènes et des particules qui sortent du cadre de la théorie standard.
  • from Ars Technica
    18 June 2013
    When it comes back online, researchers will use it to probe the properties of the Higgs boson it discovered and to continue the search for particles beyond those described by the Standard Model. But no matter how many Higgs particles pop out of the machine, there’s a limit to how much we can discover there.
  • from Ingeniøren
    18 June 2013
    En teknisk designrapport for en lineær elektron-positron collider til en pris af 50 milliarder kroner er netop fremlagt. Japanerne vil gerne bygge, og Cerns generaldirektør er positiv, men afventende.
  • from
    18 June 2013
    Новият 31-километров Международен линеен колайдер (International Linear Collider, ILC) е почти готов за строителство.
  • from CERN Bulletin
    17 June 2013
    What it means is that the ILC is ready to be built, if the physics motivation is there along with the political will. Thanks to the great performance of the LHC, there is now a strong physics case. And in Japan, there have been encouraging noises from both scientific and political circles about hosting the ILC. So, for now, we will have to wait and see.
  • from The Guardian (Blog)
    16 June 2013
    It is a costly multinational project which the Japanese are proposing to lead, with international collaboration. It is the most realistic project of several major particle physics colliders under discussion – indeed, it is the only one we really know how to build at present.
  • from NHK
    14 June 2013
  • from Nature World News
    14 June 2013
    As far as construction goes, those behind the project say that there are strong signs coming from Japan that it could bid to host the project.
  • from Mainichi Shimbun
    14 June 2013
    「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の北上高地建設に備え、外国人研究者や家族の受け入れについて意見交換する「国際都市奥州市について考える〜ILC誘致とまちづくり」(市主催)が13日、同市の奥州宇宙遊学館で開かれた。(On 13 June, the meeting to discuss about the conditions to accept the foreign researchers was held in Oshu city, Iwate prefecture in preparation of the envisioned ILC construction.)
  • from The Conversation
    14 June 2013
    In simple terms, if the Large Hadron Collider is considered the discovery machine, the International Linear Collider will be the precision machine. Both are required to complement each other’s findings.
  • from Chinese Academy of Science
    14 June 2013
    The Chinese scientists have been involved in the ILC R&D efforts, including overall design of the accelerator, studies on particle dynamics, damping ring design, 1.3 GHz superconducting cavity and accelerating components, advanced beam diagnosis and detector etc.
  • from Nikkei
    14 June 2013
    内閣府の日本学術会議は14日、宇宙の成り立ちの謎を探る次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」計画について、有識者による検討会を開いた。同計画の科学的な意義や社会への影響などを集中的に話し合い、今夏をメドに結論をまとめる。On 14 June, Science Council of Japanese cabinet held the meeting to review the scientific significance and the social impact of the ILC. They will frame a conclusion this summer)
  • from Kopalnia Wiedzy
    13 June 2013
    Ewentualne zbudowanie ILC przyniesie korzyści nie tylko fizykom. Już teraz można zakładać, że nowe technologie, które powstaną na potrzeby akceleratora udoskonalą np. obrazowanie medyczne, pozwalając na zminiaturyzowanie tomografów pozytonowych i przyczynią się do stworzenia nowych mniej szkodliwych technik radioterapii.
  • from Génération Nouvelles Technologies
    13 June 2013
    L’un des projets les plus ambitieux de l’histoire de l’humanité s’apprête à commencer. Les scientifiques du monde entier viennent d’annoncer avoir finalisé les plans du prochain plus gros accélérateur de particules.
  • from Presse Citron
    13 June 2013
    Le plus grand accélérateur de particules jamais créé devient enfin possible. International Linear Collider, 31 kilomètres, ne demande plus qu’à être construit.
  • from scienze fanpage
    13 June 2013
    Si chiamerà International Linear Collider e, a differenza di LHC, non sarà un acceleratore ad anello. Obiettivi: supersimmetria, materia oscura e dimensioni nascoste. Forse costruito in Giappone.
  • from Wired
    13 June 2013
    The main goal is finding dark matter, the substance that is theorised to make up more than 85 percent of the universe’s mass but which has never been directly detected. It won’t be a replacement for the LHC, but rather is designed to be “complementary”.
  • from
    13 June 2013
    הושלמו התכניות לבניית מאיץ החלקיקים הגדול בעולם. עכשיו חסר רק המימון: 7.8 מיליארד דולר
  • from
    13 June 2013
    ILC va încerca să ducă mai departe rezultatele LHC şi să identifice şi să caracterizeze bosonul Higgs, iar pe viitor ar putea investiga şi domenii cum ar fi supersimetria, materia întunecată şi energia întunecată şi teoria supercorzilor în dimensiuni multiple.
  • from
    13 June 2013
    An international physicist group is planning to build particle accelerator with Japan as a leading candidate to house planned super-collider.
  • from
    13 June 2013
    Международная группа физиков создала технический проект Международного линейного коллайдера (ILC), сообщает РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на сообщение коллаборации линейного коллайдера.
  • from Golem
    13 June 2013
    International Linear Collider (ILC) heißt das nächste Großprojekt der Teilchenphysik: An diesem Teilchenbeschleuniger soll die Forschungsarbeit des Large Hadron Collider (LHC) fortgeführt werden. Die Linear Collider Collaboration hat die technischen Details zu der Anlage veröffentlicht.
  • from Nikkei
    13 June 2013
    政府は、宇宙創成の謎に迫る次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」を国内誘致する方針を固めた。7月をメドに国内の建設候補地を一本化し、正式に意思表明する。(The Japanese government established the policy to invite the ILC. The site selection in Japan is expected in July, and Japan might make official proposal.)
  • from
    13 June 2013
    Судьба Международного линейного коллайдера решалась вчера специалистами ведущих лабораторий в ходе проводимой через интернет видеоконференции.
  • from
    12 June 2013
    Today the Linear Collider Collaboration published its Technical Design Report [PDF] for the International Linear Collider (ILC) – a proposed 31-kilometer electron-positron collider that will both complement and advance beyond the physics of the Large Hadron Collider.
  • from Mainichi Shimbun
    12 June 2013
    宇宙誕生の謎に迫る超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の実現に向け、日米欧などの科学者らが約8年かけて進めてきた技術設計が完了し12日、東京都文京区の東京大で記念式典が開かれた。技術的な検証を終え、いよいよ立地選定の段階に移行する。(The technical design of the ILC was completed after the eight years of the R&D. On 12 June, the ceremony was held at University of Tokyo. The technical evaluation has been done, and the ILC is moving to the next step of the site selection.)
  • from Physik Journal
    12 June 2013
    Die Planungsarbeiten sind weit fortgeschritten, und am 12. Juni haben die beteiligten Physiker den Technical Design Report der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt.
  • from Nikkei
    11 June 2013
    宇宙誕生の謎に迫る次世代加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」建設の経済効果は30年間で合計約45兆円――。日本生産性本部は11日、ILCを日本に建設した場合の経済効果の試算を初めてまとめた。(Japan Productivity Center published the report on the economic impact of the ILC on 11 June. According to the estimate, the impact of the ILC construction will be as big as 45 trillion yen for 30 years.)
  • from Saga Shimbun
    11 June 2013
    佐賀、福岡両県は11日、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の脊振誘致をPRする海外研究者向け動画を動画投稿サイト「YouTube(ユーチューブ)」に公開した。(Saga and Fukuoka prefectures posted the English video to promote the ILC to Kyushu area on YouTube on 11 June)
  • from Xinhua news
    12 June 2013