Around the World
SLAC prepares for a test beam of an electromagnetic calorimeter specific to the proposed SiD detector
by Julianne Wyrick
Researchers are taking a step towards the realisation of the International Linear Collider’s (ILC) SiD detector with a test beam of a SiD-specific electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) planned for this month at SLAC.
Video of the week
Videos: AAA
Hitoshi Murayama, Deputy Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration, explains the Higgs (in Japanese) in a three-part video series entitled “Universe and matter – the story of the beginning.”
In the News
from The Mainichi
8 July 2013
An evaluation committee is expected to recommend a single candidate location to the national government in August.
from New Scientist
4 July 2013
The moment marked the end of a 50-year hunt. But although the boson has been found, there is still plenty we do not know about the celebrated particle. Here are the most interesting unknowns that surround the Higgs boson.
from Die Zeit
4 July 2013
Mit seiner Geburt machte es die Physiker-Welt fast vollkommen. Sie lieben es, auch wenn es oft nicht einfach ist. Eine Geburtstagsrede an das Higgs-Teilchen.
from Spiegel online
4 July 2013
Winzige Teilchen, riesige Maschinen, um sie zu entdecken – und die Frage, warum das Universum überhaupt existiert: Teilchenphysik fasziniert.
from Futura Sciences
4 July 2013
Récemment, une rumeur a suggéré qu’un second boson pointe le bout de son nez, mais il semble qu’il n’en soit rien.(…) Un an après la découverte du boson de Higgs, des signes d’une nouvelle physique, telle que celle impliquée dans le modèle unitaire d’Alain Connes, se font toujours attendre.
from Sankei Shimbun
4 July 2013
「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)を脊振山地(福岡、佐賀両県)に誘致しようと、両県の若手経営者らが3日、自民党本部(東京)を訪れ、超党派組織「ILC建設推進議員連盟」の河村建夫会長(衆院議員)に17万4423人分の署名を提出した。(The young business owners in Fukuoka and Saga prefectures visited Takeo Kawamura, Chair of the Diet member’s federation for the ILC, with more than 174 thousands signatures collected for inviting the ILC to Sefuri area)
from Cornell Chronicle
3 July 2013
The National Science Foundation-funded project is called Cornell Electron Storage Ring Test Accelerator (CesrTA). Principal investigator David Rubin, professor of physics, has led the effort to leverage the uniquely flexible design of Cornell’s synchrotron to turn it into a prototype ILC damping ring.
from Science 2.0
3 July 2013
How much money would you be willing to spend to find out if supersymmetry – SUSY – is real or not?
from Jiji
1 July 2013
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」を日本が中心となり建設する意義があるか検討する日本学術会議の第2回委員会が1日開かれた。当面の実験に必要な性能に下げれば、約2割減額の建設費6310億円、総額8200億円になるとの試算を示した。(The 2nd meeting of the committee under the Science Council of Japan to evaluate the ILC as a project housed by Japan on 1 July. Atsuto Suzuki reported that the cost of the accelerator will be 631 hundred million yen for the machine needed for the immediate priority experiment, 20% less than the estimated presented in the technical design report.)
from Kahoku Shinpo
30 June 2013
宮城県は29日、2014年度予算の政府要望で、超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の岩手県南部・北上山地への誘致実現に向け、地質や環境の調査に着手するよう求める方針を固めた。(Miyagi prefecture requested the government to include the geological and ecological survey for the ILC in the FY 2014 budget as a part of the measure for the recovery from the major earthquake)
from The Japan News
30 June 2013
Scientists at home and abroad consider Japan the most likely candidate to host the ILC. A council of Japanese scientists, which evaluates possible ILC sites, is expected to choose one Japanese candidate based on the results of geological and environmental surveys next month.
from Yomiuri Shimbun
29 June 2013
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」を誘致し、世界の科学者が集まり、関連産業が育つ国際都市をつくろうと、東北の北上山地(岩手県、宮城県)と九州の脊振(せふり)山地(福岡県、佐賀県)が綱引きしている。(A tug of war between Kitakami and Sefuri is getting fiercer to invite the ILC and build an international city in the area)
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