In the News
from Yomiuri Shimbun
24 July 2013
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の脊振山地への誘致活動に弾みをつけようと、佐賀、福岡両県の若手経営者らでつくる「九州へのILC誘致を実現する会」のメンバーは23日、県庁を訪れ、約35万人分の署名を集めたことなどを古川知事に報告した。(To accelerate the activity to invite ILC to Sefuri area, the group of business persons around Fukuoka and Saga prefectures visited Saga Governor Furukawa on 23 July, and reported that they collected 350 thousands signatures to support the invitation of the ILC)
from Nikkei
22 July 2013
与党が圧勝した参院選で、東北6選挙区は改選7議席のうち自民が5議席を占めた。東北経済連合会の高橋宏明会長は素粒子研究の大型実験施設「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の東北への誘致を求めた。(LDP, the ruling party of Japan won the election of the Lower House in a landslide, and LDP took over five out of seven re-election seats in Tohoku electoral districts. Horoaki Takahashi, chair of Tohoku Economical federation asked for the Abe administration to invite the ILC to tohoku area)
from The Guardian (Blog)
19 July 2013
History has shown us that the more we understand about neutrinos the more secrets of nature they uncover. The observation made by T2K opens up a whole new way of observing neutrinos
19 July 2013
Physicists did not have enough data to make a definitive statement about this decay in this analysis, but their work shows that they will be able to gather evidence of it after the LHC restarts in 2015 at higher energy.
from Nature
17 July 2013
A phenomenon known as CP asymmetry, which explains our very existence, has been observed in the decays of Bs0 mesonic particles. The finding represents yet another triumph of the standard model of particle physics.
from Sankei
16 JUly 2013
「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の誘致候補地が今夏にも一本化される。候補地が決まったら、政府は早急に誘致へ向けた取り組みを強化すべきだ。ILCは日本の成長を加速させる可能性があるからだ。(The Japanese ILC candidate will be decided this summer. Japanese government should increase the effort to invite the ILC as quickly as possible. ILC has a potential to accelerate the nation’s growth)
from CERN Courier
12 July 2013
The ILC – a 31-km electron–positron collider with a total collision energy of 500 GeV – was designed to complement and advance LHC physics. The report contains all of the elements needed to propose the collider to collaborating governments, including the latest, most technologically advanced design and implementation plan optimized for performance, cost and risk.
from Kahoku Shinpo
10 July 2013
日本学術会議は9日、「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の国内誘致の是非を審議する検討委員会の第3回会合を都内で開き、専門家2人から国際プロジェクトの在り方などを聞いた。専門家の意見聴取は今回で終了。検討委は8月中に意見を集約する。(Science Council of Japan held third meeting to discuss the invitation of the ILC to Japan on 9 July. Two experts explained the modalities of an international project. Council’s hearings from experts from various fields was completed in this meeting, and the final report will be published in August.
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