
Around the World

No more HF?

Fermilab and Faraday Technology Inc. are developing an environmentally and worker friendly electropolishing technique for SRF cavities

by Julianne Wyrick

In June, Fermilab researchers finished successfully processing and testing the second single-cell, ILC-type cavity that was electropolished with a new technique. The water-based process, which doesn’t require the use of strong acids as the standard technique does, was developed to be more environmentally and worker-friendly.

Director's Corner

Doors open wide

by Lyn Evans

Dialogue with the general public is important for good relations with the neighbours of research labs. This weekend, CERN holds its Open Days to share the excitement of science and life at a lab with an estimated 50,000 visitors per day. Let’s keep this tradition up.

Video of the week

A guided tour around the CLIC test facility

Video: CERN

Ever wanted a personal tour around the CLIC Test Facility (CTF3)? Then this video is for you. You will follow and listen to Frank Tecker, responsible for CTF3 operations, who will guide you around the scaled-down version of the Compact Linear Collider acceleration principle.

In the News

  • from Nikkei
    20 September 2013

    下村博文文部科学相は20日の閣議後の記者会見で「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の国内誘致について「まずは調査検討が必要」と述べた。「来年度にすぐ誘致に手を挙げる段階にはない」と語った。(Japan’s Science Minister, Hakubun Shimomura said in the general press conference on 20 September that the government will make extensive study on the ILC. “Japan is not yet at the position of raising hand immediately, and it won’t happen in the next fiscal year,”he said.)

  • from Tanko Dairy
    17 September 2013

    国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の国内候補地に北上山地が選ばれたことを受け、岩手県内では受け入れ態勢など今後の取り組みに関する議論が加速しそうだ。岩手県は18日、ILC庁内ワーキンググループ内に分科会を設置。主要テーマ別に国際学術研究都市形成に向けた具体的な検討をスタートさせる。(Following the recommendation by ILC site evaluation council of Kitakami mountain as a ILC construction candidate site of Japan, Iwate prefecture started its preparation efforts such as social systems to accept foreign scientists and their family. The prefectural government will set the sectional committees in the ILC working groups, and start the discussions on the specific items toward the creation of the international science city)

  • from Iwate Nippo
    17 September 2013

    一関市千厩町清田地区に「ふれあい花壇」を整備。今年は国際リニアコライダー(ILC)を題材にした。約800平方メートルに35種類9千本の花を植えた。図柄は「児童が話題のILCを勉強中、花壇の地下で電子と陽電子が衝突し、びっくりした」という設定で、衝突点を赤いサルビア、電子と陽電子をマリーゴールドやセンニチコウで表現した。(The “Big Bang” flowerbed was crated in Ichinoseki, Iwate prefecture. This year’s theme was the ILC. The local elementary school students planted 9000 flowers in the 800-square-meter garden, portraying the collision of electron and positron with Salvia splendens, marigolds, and bachelor’s buttons)