
Around the World

Explaining the ILC in an easy-to-understand way

by Rika Takahashi

Despite the largest typhoon in the year approaching, about 300 people braved the elements and gathered at a conference hall at University of Tokyo on 15 October. A symposium entitled “Can the ILC solve the mystery of the Universe?” was held, with representatives from the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC) and specialists from various fields.


Industrialising the ILC

US members of the Linear Collider Collaboration make plans for a new stage of industrialisation studies.

by Julianne Wyrick

With the publication of the Technical Design Report, one stage of design and costing for the ILC is complete. Now, US members of the Linear Collider Collaboration must consider what ILC components the US might contribute—and how they will be produced.

Director's Corner

LCWS13 – a timely linear collider workshop

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

LCWS13 is the first International Linear Collider workshop after the completion of the ILC Technical Design Report, the European Strategy for particle physics, the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan announcement and the Science Council of Japan report. All converges to make it a very promising linear collider meeting, Hitoshi Yamamoto explains.

Image of the week

A physicist walks into a rice paddy…

The Linear Collider Collaboration management team visited the recommended site in the Kitakami mountains last week. Surrounded by local journalists, including several camera teams, they inspected the area that might one day host the International Linear Collider.

In the News

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    22 October 2013

    2004年のノーベル物理学賞を受賞した米カリフォルニア大のデビッド・グロス教授(72)=理論物理学=が21日、仙台市を訪れ、超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の構想実現に期待感を示した。(David Gross, the winner of the 2004 Nobel prize in physics, visited Sendai city on 21 October, and express his expectation on the realisation of the ILC)

  • from IBC
    21 October 2013

    子どもたちが宇宙の成り立ちやILC=国際リニアコライダーの役割について学びました。盛岡の城北小学校の5、6年生、およそ240人に授業を行ったのは、ドイツの国立マインツ大学で物理学を専門とする齋藤武彦教授です。( About 240 elementary school children in 5th and 6th grade learned about the ILC from Takehiko Saito of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany)

  • from The Economist
    19 October 2013

    Fundamental physics seems to have an insatiable appetite for bigger, more expensive machines. There may, though, be a way to shrink them radically

  • from Mainichi Shimbun
    18 October 2013

    ディレクターのリン・エバンス氏らが奥州市のホテルで記者会見し、「候補地の選択は適切だ。北上山地に合わせて詳細な設計を進める。日本政府のはっきりした意思表明が必要」と強調した。(Lyn Evans said in the press conference that the Kitakami is suitable for ILC construction, and will start the site specific design. What we need is a statement from the Japanese government)

  • from IBC
    17 Oct 2013

    ILC=国際リニアコライダー計画を進める国際的研究者組織の幹部が、きょう建設候補地である岩手の北上山地を初めて視察しました。(Executive members of the Linear Collider Collaboration visited Kitakami mountains, the ILC candidate site, on 17 October)

  • from Tanko Daily
    16 October 2013

    国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画の学術的意義や科学技術立国への新たな道筋について考えるシンポジウムが15日、東京大学で開かれた。(The symposium to discuss the road map toward the realisation of the ILC was held on 15 October in Tokyo)

  • from Yahoo News
    15 October 2013

    Many believe accelerator physics still has an important role to play, such as with a linear collider that will by necessity be a worldwide effort. “I do not believe that we can make significant progress without also pushing back the frontier of high energy,” Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg wrote in an essay titled “The Crisis of Big Science” in The New York Review of Books last year. “So in the next decade we may see the search for the laws of nature slow to a halt, not to be resumed again in our lifetimes.”

  • from Universcience TV
    11 octobre 2013

    “avec des collisionneur linéaires, on pourrait presque faire une “usine à bosons de Higgs” – en produire en très grande quantité, observer toutes leurs façons de se désintégrer en d’autres particules et faire une métrologie exrêmement précise, qui permettra de le caractériser complètement” (video interview of Etienne Klein)

  • from Discover Magazine blog
    11 October 2013

    “That would be absolutely amazing because the ILC is a whole different kind of machine than the LHC. It collides electrons with positrons [their antimatter twins], which produces very clean collisions. You can do precision measurements of the kind you can’t even think about at the LHC. So if you can produce dark matter at the ILC, then it will become the dark matter factory for the next 30 years. That’s the way we’re going to figure out what the dark universe is all about.”

  • from Physics World
    10 October 2013

    According to Hitoshi Murayama, director of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe in Tokyo, who sat on the international review committee, there are about 150 people in the Japanese Congress who actively support the ILC and in July the ruling party LDP published a policy document that mentioned the ILC. However, supporting the ILC is not yet an official position of the government, with the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology waiting for a decision.