Video of the week
Credit: University of Texas-Arlington
A nice hand-made animation explains why a linear collider is needed to study the Higgs particle in great detail. Enjoy the description of the ILC machine "and then BOOM... science".
In the News
from ScienceGuide
6 November 2013
Wat is de toekomst van het fameuze CERN? Heeft het een antwoord op de plannen voor de International Linear Collider die hoogstwaarschijnlijk in Japan gebouwd gaat worden? De Japanse overheid is bereid de helft van de kosten voor zijn rekening te nemen, dus er komt flink beweging op dit terrein op wereldschaal.
5 November 2013
The International Linear Collider aims to “discover an overarching theory of everything”
The vast new facility will increase understanding of the Higgs Boson, commonly known as the “God particle”
Research into the particle led to the awarding of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics
from UTA The Shorthorn
30 October 2013
UTA is involved in planning the next large-scale machine to further study the Higgs boson.
from Market Watch
28 October 2013
Această tematică de cercetare a INCD pentru Fizica Materialelor (INFM) este strâns legată de colaborarea cu CERN, prin intermediul proiectului RD50, şi este motivată în principal de provocarea impusă de noile acceleratoare de particule ca Large Hadron Collider (LHC), operabil în prezent la CERN, precum şi de upgradarea viitoare a acestuia (SLHC), International Linear Collider (ILC) sau de sursele de fotoni cu brilianță mare, ca XFEL, prevăzute şi ele pentru acest deceniu.
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