by Rika Takahashi
With the creation of a new ILC Planning Office this week at KEK, the Japanese high-energy physics community is taking another big step towards making the ILC a reality in Japan. It is the pre-step for forming an international organisation, which KEK Director General Atsuto Suzuki would like to establish.
Image of the week
The Kitakami region in the north of Japan in Iwate prefecture is a potential site for the ILC in Japan, as recommended by the ILC site evaluation committee of Japan on 23 August 2013. And the region is clearly proud of this recommendation. The towns that would be the neighbours of the ILC if it was built there boast banners on official buildings and billboards along the roads, local shops have small banners on their tills, hotel clerks wear fan buttons and taxis sport bumper stickers – all in support of the ILC. Pictured are an advertising column outside Ichinoseki station and a banner at Mizusawa-Esashi station in the city Oshu. Read more about the field trip of the communications team to the Kitakami site in upcoming issues of LC NewsLine.
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In the News
from Tagesanzeiger
6 February 2014
Der Ring der Ringe, 100 Kilometer lang und Kosten im zweistelligen Milliardenbereich: Ein neuer Beschleunigerring soll viermal so gross wie der jetztige werden. Und was wird damit angestrebt?
from Tanko Dairy
5 February 2014
一行は水沢VLBI観測所敷地内の奥州宇宙遊学館で、地元のILC誘致関係者らと懇談。国際会議やシンポジウムを北上山地周辺で開催し、研究者らに候補地周辺の様子を直接見てもらう機会にできるといったアイデアも示された。(LC communicators met and discussed with local officials who are working on ILC promotion activities at the science museum located in the Mizusawa VLBI Observatory. They proposed several ideas such as having international conferences or symposiums at KItakami area to provide the opportunity to see how it would be to live in this area)
from Kahoku Shinpo
4 February 2014
ILCの建設実現に向け、コミュニケーターの3人が3日、北上山地を視察した。今後、広報誌やインターネットなどを通じ北上山地の現状、魅力を世界に発信する。(LC Communicators visited Kitakami mountain, the candidate construction site for the ILC on 3 February. They are planing to report their visit on the web publication)
from Iwate Nippo
4 February 2014
達増知事は11月をめどに、フランスを訪問する方針を固めた。東日本大震災からの復興支援への感謝を伝えるとともに、ILCの北上山地建設実現に向けた取り組みを欧州各国に理解してもらうことなどが狙い。(Iwate Prefecture’s governor, Tatsuya Tasso announced his plan to visit European countries to express his appreciation for the help for the major earthquake in March 2011, and also to foster the understanding on the activity to invite the ILC to Kitakami mountain)
from Iwanichi online
4 February 2014
現地を訪れたLCコミュニケーターは、外国人研究者らが生活する上で優れた環境と評価。(LC Communicators visiting the candidate construction site in Iwate prefecture, recognised the area suitable for the living for the foreign researchers. )
from Iwate Nippo
4 February 2014
ILCの広報活動を展開する「LCコミュニケーター」の3人は3日、一関市を訪れ、建設候補地の北上山地(北上高地)や地元のショッピングセンターを視察した (LC Communicators came to Ichinoseki city and visited the candidate construction sites, and local shopping centre.)
from Iwate Nippo
4 February 2014
訪米中の達増知事は2日(現地時間)、南カリフォルニア在住の本県関係者でつくる南加県人会(馬場信之会長)との交流行事に出席。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の本県誘致に向けた取り組みを紹介し、協力を呼び掛けた。(Iwate prefecture’s governor, Takuya Tasso met the association of people from Iwate prefecture in South Californaia, US, introducing the activity to invite the ILC to Iwate, and asked for the cooperation.)
from Asahi SImbun
4 February 2014
一関市大東町大原の北上山地の一角にある建設候補地を県の担当者らの案内で視察。夕方には一関市中心部近くの大型スーパーに立ち寄り、買い物など日常生活の状況を見た。(LC Communicators visited the candidate construction site in Ichinoseki city with the officials from Iwate prefecture. They visited the local supermarket, and checked out how the life would be in the area)
from NTV
3 February 2014
コミュニケーターの3人が、トンネルの建設予定地周辺を視察して歩いた。3人は、一関市内の視察の途中車窓から看板や上り旗でILCの文字を度々目にし、地元でのILC誘致に向けての機運の高さを感じたという。(Three LC Communicators visited the ILC candidate sites in Kitakami area. They saw many of signs or banners from the car window, and felt the enthusiasm for the ILC in the area)
from Iwate Nippo
31 January 2014
岩手県は新年度、庁内に「科学ILC推進室」を新設する。専任組織の設置により県の姿勢を対外的にアピールし、国への働き掛けや科学技術の振興などを進める。(Iwate prefecture is setting up the new office “Science – ILC promotion office” starting from fiscal year 2014. The office will be in charge of making a public appeal on the prefecture’s activities towards the invitation of the ILC, and work on the government for further development of the project and promotion of the science)
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