
Around the World

From DESY inForm: Accelerator – stonewashed

How cavities are refined in a type of tumbler

by Thomas Zoufal (DESY)

Usually it’s basic research – especially for particle accelerators – that pioneers new technology. But in this case the researchers obviously had a little inspirational snoop at Levi’s or any other jeans manufacturer’s. Recently, DESY’s superconducting TESLA cavities have started to be surface-treated with a stonewashing equipment – accelerators stonewashed, so to say.

Around the World

Former ILCSC chair Jon Bagger to lead TRIUMF

Jonathan Bagger, ILCSC chair until its final meeting a year ago and current member of the Linear Collider Board, will take over as Director of the Canadian national lab TRIUMF from July 2014, TRIUMF announced on Tuesday. "It is an exciting time to lead the laboratory,” Bagger, currently of Johns Hopkins University, said. “Its collaborative, interdisciplinary model represents the future for much of science. TRIUMF helps Canada connect fundamental research to important societal goals, ranging from health and safety to education and innovation.”

Director's Corner

Physics and detector organisation – Progressing on delicate balances

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

Without a solid physics case, state-of-the-art detectors and well-defined infrastructures like computing and links with the machine, a linear collider would have few arguments to go by. The Linear Collider Collaboration has working groups installed that make sure that the detectors can advance towards real collaborations and that synergies between the two linear colliders are harnessed as much as possible. Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors in the LCC, describes the current status of the physics and detector directorate where most of the components are now up and running.

In the News

  • from
    18 March 2014

    Next Director of TRIUMF Brings Global Experience

  • from Iwate Nippo
    15 March 2014

    奥州市は14日、同市水沢区の奥州宇宙遊学館で、2014年度から行う国際リニアコライダー(ILC)出前授業の講師養成講座を開き、東北大大学院理学研究科の石川明正助教が講演した。(Oshu city held the lecture by Akimasa Ishikawa, a physicist at Tohoku University, as a training for the lecturers who will give the talk about ILC at the city’s junior high school)

  • from Yomiuri Shimbun
    15 March 2014

    組織改編では、素粒子物理学の巨大実験施設「国際リニアコライダーの県内誘致を担う「科学ILC推進室」を政策地域部に新設する。(Iwate prefecture announced the organization change, and newly established the science and ILC promotion office” responsible for the activities to invite the ILC to the region)

  • from Financial Times
    14 March 2014

    If you want to know what long-term planning means, look no further than high-energy physics.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    14 March 2014

    一関市議会は13日、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致実現と環境整備に向けて、ILC誘致・学術研究都市づくり調査特別委員会を設置した。(Ichinoseki city council established the special committee toward the invitation of the ILC and environment preparation)

  • from science actualité
    7 March 2014

    L’ILC est-il vraiment un concurrent de FCC ? Pas sûr… Dans la partie de poker qui se joue sur la scène mondiale, l’Europe et le Cern pourraient soutenir le projet japonais d’accélérateur linéaire, nettement plus avancé en terme de design et de conception… Abandonnant, au passage, leur propre projet similaire, baptisé CLIC (Compact Linear Collider Project).(…) Parions que le futur collisionneur circulaire ne connaîtra pas le même sort, tant la communauté internationale des physiciens semble, cette fois, mobilisée pour cet objectif.

  • from Tech World
    6 March 2014

    Lite närmare i tiden ligger International Linear Collider, som kommer att krocka elektroner istället för protoner och undersöka mörk energi och multipla dimensioner. Landet som kommer att bygga ILC är ännu inte klart, men den beräknas stå klar 2026.