Around the World
by Perrine Royole-Degieux
The Linear Collider Board is the main decision body to promote and oversee the linear collider and its detectors as a worldwide collaborative project. In Europe, a new body, the European Linear Collider Forum, has just been launched to channel European discussions concerning the ILC and CLIC and to facilitate input for the international Linear Collider Board. Anyone interested to participate is invited to register to the mailing list. Will you take part?
In the News
from Ichinoseki City
April 2014
岩手県一関市発行のニュースレター。コンテンツ:コミュニケーター建設候補地視察 – 大原自治公民館等連合会視察研修 – R I P ILC講演会 – 大東高校出前講座 – 各種イベントでILCをピーアール – H26年度ILC関連予算 – 庁内連絡会議の設置 – ILCに関するQ&A
(The news letter published by Ichinoseki-city. Content: ILC communicators visit ILC candidate site, Reports on the ILC lectures in the area, City’s ILC related budget for FY2014, and FAQ on ILC)
from Iwate Nippo
29 March 2014
県が一関市大東町大原に整備を進めていた国道343号大原バイパスは28日、全線開通した。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画の幹線道として効果が期待されている。(On 28 March, the Ohara bypass road was completed and opening ceremony was held. This road is expected to be used as a main transport route for the construction of the ILC)
from INFN
25 March 2014
Now the scientists of the OPERA experiment can claim the observation of the extremely rare neutrino oscillation in the tau channel.
from Tanko Daily
24 March 2014
岩手県が児童・生徒向けに制作を進めていた国際リニアコライダー(ILC)計画の解説動画が完成し、23日、盛岡市の岩手教育会館で披露された。(Iwate prefecture produced the ILC promotion video for children, and about 200 audience enjoyed its first screening at Morioka city on 23 March.)
from CERN/Fermilab
19 March 2014
Together the four experiments pooled their data analysis power to arrive at a new world’s best value for the mass of the top quark of 173.34 plus/minus 0.76 GeV/c2.(…) “Collaborative competition is the name of the game,” said CERN’s Director General Rolf Heuer. “Competition between experimental collaborations and labs spurs us on, but collaboration such as this underpins the global particle physics endeavour and is essential in advancing our knowledge of the universe we live in.”
from New Scientist
19 March 2014
Unlike the Higgs result, this one opens up many possibilities, so in the coming days and weeks, we can expect a deluge of papers chewing over the results from BICEP2 and its rivals. Modelling inflation is a bit like playing whack-a-mole; while the new result will knock some out, more will pop up to take their place. And there are deeper questions. Why did inflation happen at all, and what is behind it? What does it mean for the fate of our universe – and of others?
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