Director's Corner
by Harry Weerts and Mike Harrison
After the release of the European Strategy for Particle Physics last year, the strategy process in the US is also being finalised. The Particle Physics Project Prioritization Panel (P5) was put together and charged by the High Energy Physics Advisory Panel (HEPAP) to create a “10 year strategic plan in context of a 20 year global vision” for the US programme. The complete committee report was presented to HEPAP today and discussions about its content are ongoing. The P5 roadmap outlines a broad particle physics programme for the US, including strong endorsements for the ILC in Japan.
In the News
from E&T
19 May 2014
he most technologically mature option is the International Linear Collider (ILC) – an electron-positron collider with an initial collision energy of 500GeV and the potential to upgrade to 1TeV. The technology is well established, with a smaller version running at the DESY research centre in Hamburg. Proponents are impatient to get started. “It’s a question of swings and balances, but if we were forever waiting for some new phenomenon to show up then we would never have built the LHC,” says Professor Brian Foster, of the University of Oxford and European regional director for the ILC.
from Iwate Broadcasting Company
19 May 2014
宇宙の成り立ちやILC=国際リニアコライダーの役割について学ぶ特別授業がきょう盛岡の小学校で行われました。(The special lecture about ILC was held at the elementary school in Morioka city, Iwate prefecture)
from University of Texas Arlington
16 May 2014
Physicists from UT Arlington who have traveled the world to support new scientific discoveries, including the widely publicized Higgs boson, have been awarded a $2.5 million, three-year Department of Energy grant to further their work.
from Il Fatto
11 May 2014
A seguito della scoperta del bosone di Higgs all’Lhc, il Giappone sta valutando la possibilità di costruire l’Ilc (International linear collider), un acceleratore lineare a elettroni per misurare in dettaglio le proprietà di questa particella. La decisione dovrebbe essere presa nel giro di qualche anno.
from NHK web news
8 May 2014
日本への誘致が検討されている最先端の実験施設、ILC=国際リニアコライダーの建設の是非について話し合う国の有識者会議の初会合が開かれ、来年度をめどに誘致がもたらす効果や課題などについて報告がまとめられる予定です。(The first meeting of the expert panel to discuss the benefits and challenges on inviting the ILC to japan. The panel will deliver the report in the fiscal year 2015)
Iwate Broadcasting Company
8 May 2014
宇宙誕生の謎に迫る実験施設で北上山地が建設候補地となっているILC=国際リニアコライダーについて、日本に誘致した場合の課題を検討する国の有識者会議がきょう初めて開かれました。(The expert panel to discuss the challenges on inviting the ILC in Japan had their first meeting today)
from Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
5 May 2014
宇宙誕生の謎に迫る次世代巨大加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」について、文部科学省は有識者による調査・検討部会を立ち上げた。(Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology set up an expert panel to discuss about the ILC. Based on the reccomendation to be made by the panel, the government will make a decision weather to invite the ILC)
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