
Around the World

Another record for ATF2

by Rika Takahashi

Last month, LC NewsLine reported the achievement of the world’s smallest beam size of 55 nanometres at the ATF2 facility at KEK. At two international conferences held in June and July, the next record of 44 nanometres was reported by Kiyoshi Kubo and Shigeru Kuroda.


From ICFA: International committee looks toward a global future of particle physics discoveries

A global strategy for particle physics is taking shape, one world region at a time. Featuring colliders that smash particles at higher energies than ever before, and gigantic experiments to study the smallest components of matter, this future will lead to breakthrough discoveries at facilities around the globe.

Director's Corner

Supporting political developments in Japan

by Hitoshi Yamamoto

Hitoshi Yamamoto, Associate Director for Physics and Detectors, explains how the Linear Collider Collaboration contributes to delivering objective, detailed and correct information about the ILC physics case and the ILC detectors to the Ministry for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan.

In the News

  • from nature
    22 July 2014

    Proposals for two accelerators could see country become collider capital of the world.

  • from Tanko Nichi Nichi
    22 July 2014

    奥州市国際交流協会(佐藤剛会長)主催の「接客英語研修会」は、8月1日午後1時から水沢区東町の奥州商工会議所5階中ホールで開かれる。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)建設を見据え、外国人とのコミュニケーションや接客が増える場面を想定した研修。(Oshu International Relations Association will host a English training workshop on 1 August, in anticipation of construction of the ILC which will increase the opportunity to welcome foreign guests.)

  • from Kahoku Shinpo
    19 July 2014

    放射光施設の誘致を目指し、東北6県と国立大、経済団体は18日、「東北放射光施設推進協議会」を設立した。出席した達増知事は国際リニアコライダー(ILC)と連動した誘致推進を呼び掛けた。建設費は約300億円で、候補地は未定。早ければ2016年度の着工、19年度の運用開始が見込まれる。(Local governments, national universities, and economic organization in six prefectures in Japan’s Tohoku area, established the association to promote the construction of the light source facility. Tasuya Tasso, the governor of Iwate prefecture called for cooperation coupled with the activities toward invitation of the ILC. The construction cost for the Tohoku light source is estimated as 3 trillion yen, and the site is undecided. Anticipating the start of the construction in 2016, and the operation in 2019.)

  • from Materia
    16 July 2014

    El ILC ha pasado ya una fase de ocho años de diseño y se encuentra ahora a la espera de que el Gobierno de Japón declare su interés en albergar el acelerador.(…) El jefe del KEK explica que Japón se encargaría de pagar la mitad del proyecto y el resto de socios, entre ellos Europa y EEUU, la otra mitad. “Nuestra idea es que el nuevo acelerador sea un proyecto internacional parecido al G20 o al ITER”, comenta el japonés. (Read Google translation)

  • from NewsWales
    14 July 2014

    Welsh physicist, Dr Lyndon Evans, has spent his whole career in the field of high energy physics and particle accelerators. (…) [he] is currently a visiting professor at Imperial College London and Director of the Linear Collider Collaboration. Since 1993 he led the team that designed, built and commissioned the Large Hadron Collider. He was awarded a Special Fundamental Physics Prize in 2013 for his contribution to the discovery of the Higgs boson.

  • from CERN
    7 July 2014

    “The LHC is a focal point for particle physics research at the high-energy frontier,” said Heuer. “It forms part of globally coordinated strategy for the field, with plans in Europe, North America and Japan converging to ensure strength in the field in all regions.”

  • from The Guardian
    5 July 2014

    We have new things to say because those high-bandwidth cables really did spew out an enormous amount of data, and although by this time two years ago (4th July 2012) we had managed to get enough of it analysed to be sure there was a new boson there, data carried on coming until the end of 2012, and squeezing the maximum amount of physics information from the raw data takes time and effort. Those efforts have been fruitful.

  • from Tendencias 21
    3 July 2014

    “La tecnología está lista, desarrollada y madura”, señala. (…) Japón se ha postulado como el lugar para albergarlo y tanto Europa como Estados Unidos se han mostrados muy interesados en conocer cuál podría ser la propuesta oficial para colaborar, añade. “Es decir, el ILC depende de lo que decida Japón. Ni Europa ni Estados Unidos tienen capacidad para liderar este proyecto pero sí para contribuir”. (Read Google translation)