In the News
from Iwate Nippo
13 August 2014
一関市大東町の大原中と同校PTAは、超大型加速器、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致実現へ看板を制作している。生徒自らデザインやメッセージを考え、ILCがもたらす将来の希望を表現。看板は関係者が視察に訪れる地元大原地区に月内に設置し、候補地の思いを伝える。(Ohara junior high school and its Parents Teacher Association are planning to make a big ILC sign board to support the project. The sign board is designed by the students, and will be put up on the road side in August.)
from The European
13 August 2014
Wenn die Bevölkerung ein Unbehagen vor der Technik verspürt, ist es Aufgabe der Wissenschaft, etwas daran zu ändern.
from Iwate Nippo
8 August 2014
県発明協会主催のいわて少年少女発明クラブ夏休み交流会は5日、一関市大東町の大原公民館で開かれた。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)を題材に講義と実験が行われ、科学に関心の高い子どもたちが計画に理解を深め、実現へ期待を高めた。(Iwate Institute of Invention and Innovation held a ILC workshop for children on 5 August at Ohara community center at Daito town, Iwate prefecture.)
from Iwate Nippo
2 August 2014
国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の北上山地への建設実現を見据え、奥州市国際交流協会は1日、市内の民間企業を対象に「おもてなし」に関する英語研修会を同市水沢区の奥州商工会議所で初めて開いた。ホテルや銀行、不動産など14企業が参加し、多業種での外国人受け入れの浸透を目指していく。(In anticipation of the ILC construction at Kitakami area, Oshu International Relations Association held their first English communication workshop for business persons. Staffs from 14 local companies including hotels, banks, or real estates were attended to offer necessary services for foreign residents.)
from Next Big
31 July 2014
SPR ltd is working on a superconducting demo which should be 100 times more powerful than the first version and provide 30 newtons of force instead of 315 milli-newtons. China is also building a large S-band thruster.
Superconducting radiofrequency (SCRF) cavities are also the main technology for a new international linear collider.
from Iwanihci Online
31 July 2014
一関市が主催する「いちのせきサイエンスカフェ」は29日、同市大手町の一関図書館で開かれた。地元の中高生ら25人が参加し、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の専門家による講話や意見交換を通じて建設実現に夢を膨らませた。(The first Ichinoseki Science Cafe, a new initiative held by Ichinoseki city, Iwate prefecture, was held on 29 July at the Ichinoseki city library. 25 junior high and high school students were attended and expected for the start of construction of the ILC.)
from SLAC Today
30 July 2014
The major LCLS upgrade known as LCLS-II will require an entirely different type of accelerator technology at SLAC based on superconducting radiofrequency (RF) cavities.
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