Image of the week
Images: KEK and Rika Takahashi
It's meeting season in North Japan: a series of workshops held in Ichinoseki as well as in Tokyo brings together linear-collider scientists from all sorts of backgrounds: polarisation, particle sources, detector design, physics studies, and, coming up, machine-detector interface and civil engineering.
In the News
from symmetry
2 September 2014
Not only are particle detectors essential to making discoveries in particle physics, they also play important roles in industry, science and medicine.
from Kahoku shinpo
30 August 2014
文部科学省は29日に公表した2015年度予算の概算要求で、超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」計画の調査検討費として、前年度比倍増となる1億円を計上した。(MEXT included 100 million yen ILC investigation budget for Japan’s 2015 budget request. This is twice as much increase from 2014 budget)
from Motherboard
30 August 2014
Such an accelerator would make for something of a partner to the International Linear Collider, the proposed successor (in spirit) to the LHC, which would initially achieve collision energies near 500 GeV and, later, 1,000 Gev, easily dwarfing not only the proposed Beijing collider but anything yet built or even imagined.
from Iwate Nippo
28 August 2014
本県の北上山地(北上高地)の周辺で、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に関連する三つの国際会議が相次いで開かれる。(Around the Kitakami area, the candidate site for the ILC, three ILC related international meetings will be held consequently)
26 August 2014
Particle physicists in China have unveiled plans to build a huge 52 km particle collider that would smash electrons and positrons together to study the Higgs boson in unprecedented detail. The so-called “Higgs factory”, if given government approval, would be built by 2028 and put the country at the forefront of international particle physics.
from Iwate Nippo
24 August 2014
国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致実現に向けたシンポジウム「ILCの日本実現に向けて」(いわてILC加速器科学推進会議など主催)は23日、奥州市水沢区の市文化会館で、約800人が参加して開かれた。(On 23 August, ILC symposium was held at a civic hall in Osh city, Iwate prefecture, with 800 audiences listening to the talks toward the realisation of the ILC.)
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