
Around the World

Take part in the #mylinearcollider campaign!

Voice your dreams for the ILC

by Rika Takahashi

The Linear Collider collaboration has launched the video message campaign #mylinearcollider to visualise the support for the ILC from scientists around the world. Tell us why you want the ILC!

Director's Corner

Efforts for the ILC to be matured “from Design to Reality”

by Akira Yamamoto

Things continue to evolve in the ILC design. In order to make sure that changes and optimisations formally make it into the new design, a change management board has been put into place, recounts Akira Yamamoto.

Around the World

From the world to America: seeding superconducting accelerator technology through the ILC

by Leah Hesla

The superconducting technology at the heart of the ILC is one of the outstanding innovations of the machine’s design. The new kid on the block, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory’s light source LCLS II, owes much to the ILC's advances in superconducting radio-frequency technology.

Image of the week

Happy birthday CERN!

Image: CERN

Sixty years and nowhere near retirement age: CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, celebrated its birthday this Monday with official delegations from 35 countries and many other invited guests. CERN is one of the pillars of linear collider R&D for both accelerators and detectors, so the Linear Collider Collaboration sends its congratulations and hopes that the next 60 years will be as productive, exciting and groundbreaking as the first.

In the News

  • from La Stampa
    29 September 2014

    « si chiama International Linear Collider (Ilc) e il suo progetto è già molto maturo. Ma non sarà alternativa a Lhc. Lhc è uno strumento estremamente potente, la trivella con cui si cercano in profondità giacimenti di conoscenza. Ilc sarà uno strumento di precisione, fondamentale per capire i dettagli di un fenomeno. È importante che entri in funzione prima che Lhc abbia finito la sua attività, in modo che possano lavorare in parallelo almeno per qualche anno».

  • from Tanko Nichinichi
    29 September 2014

    奥州市国際交流協会は、医療通訳者の育成研修を、10月11日から5回日程で実施する。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)実現による在住外国人の増加も見据えた取り組み。Oshu International Relations Association will provides special session to train the medical interpreter in anticipation for the increase of foreign residents around the area)

  • from CNRS Le Journal
    29 September 2014

    Confrontés à l’impérieuse nécessité de collaborer – car aucun pays européen n’aurait pu, et ne pourrait aujourd’hui encore financer seul une telle organisation –, ils sont parvenus à dessiner les plans d’une institution souple, originale et performante. Actuellement, plus d’une dizaine de milliers de scientifiques, issus de six cents centres de recherche à travers le monde, continuent d’avancer sur le chemin tracé par ces quelques pionniers.

  • from Iwate Nippo
    26 September 2014

    国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に関し、県が実施した本県企業の加速器関連産業への参入可能性を探るアンケート調査で、回答企業の83%が「取引したい」、「条件次第で取引したい」と答え、参入意欲が高い企業が多いことが分かった。(83% of local companies showed interest in to move into the accelerator industry, according to the survey by Iwate prefecture)

  • from
    26 September 2014

    The ministry also aims to spend $1m to continue studies for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC), which Japan has expressed an interest in hosting.(…) Yamashita, a physicist at the University of Tokyo who chairs Japan’s ILC Strategy Council, says the country took a step towards international support for the $10bn project with initial political-level discussions with the US in July. “There is still a lot to do,” adds Yamashita.

  • from Asahi shimbun
    24 September 2014

    盛岡商工会議所は24日、「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)計画の実現に向けた提言をまとめた。盛岡市を「知の拠点」とし外国人研究者が住みやすい国際都市として再生させ、地元企業が波及効果で潤うような仕組みづくりをめざす内容だ。(Morioka Chamber of Commerce and Industry presented its recommendation toward the realisation of the ILC on 24 September. The recommendation includes the proposals to rejuvenate Morioka as an center of excellence where foreign researchers can live comfortably, and to make systems to benefit the local business.)

  • from El Periodiquito
    19 September 2014

    El LHC tiene una circunferencia de 27 kilómetros. El nuevo Future Cicular Collider o FCC tendrá entre 80 y 100 kilómetros de circunferencia, lo que lo convertirá en el colisionador de partículas más grande que se ha construido nunca.