Video of the week
The #mylinearcollider campaign continues and the communicators are recording and receiving many various video messages, all in support of the linear collider. Watch a few videos if you need inspiration and, if you think that a video message is a bit too much, why not take a picture of yourself?
by Joykrit Mitra
All eight cavities in an ILC-type cryomodule achieved the accelerating gradient specified for the International Linear Collider earlier this month. The cryomodule, CM2, was developed and assembled to advance superconducting radio-frequency technology and infrastructure at Americas-region laboratories.
In the News
from The Mancunion
14 October 2014
“We’re also in working parties involved in looking at the next high energy accelerators,” Prof. Loebinger tells me. “The International Linear Collider which is being proposed, and more recently, there’s the very large collider that’s being proposed at CERN. The LHC is 27km in circumference, but the one that people are now muttering about and starting to work on would be 100km! Manchester’s involved in all of these.
from Vesti online
12 October 2014
Institut za nuklearne nauke Vinča bio je od 6. do 10. oktobra domaćin međunarodne naučne konferencije o linearnim akceleratorima. Linear Collider Workshop 2014 je godišnja konferencija koja okuplja oko 200 vrhunskih naučnika, fizičara iz celog sveta, koji su uključeni u istraživanja u vezi sa linearnim akceleratorima u oblasti fizike visokih energija.
from Iwate Nippo
10 October 2014
奥州市国際交流協会は、同市水沢区の県立胆沢病院と連携し、外国人が来院した際に会話などを補助する医療通訳者の育成を始める。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致も見据え、外国人が安心して訪れ、暮らすことのできる環境整備を進める。(Oshu International Relations Associations launched the program to train medical interpreters who will provide a support to foreign patient. City aim to improve the living environment where foreign resident can live with peace of mind, putting the ILC construction in perspective)
from Kahoku Shinpo
8 October 2014
東北学院大が、岩手、宮城両県にまたがる北上山地が候補地の超大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー(ILC)」の実現に向け、学内に推進組織「ILCまちづくり連絡協議会」(仮称)を設置することが、8日分かった。(Tohoku Gakuin University set up new department that will promote the urban development toward ILC construction)
from Blic
6 October 2014
Jedan od najvećih svetskih skupova u oblasti fizike “Linear Collider Workshop 2014″ (LCWS 14), posvećen projektima budućih linearnih akceleratora ILC i CLIC svečano je otvoren u Beogradu.
from Mainichi Shimbun
6 Octiber 2014
奥州市は宇宙の謎に迫る大型加速器「国際リニアコライダー」(ILC)の誘致のため、米国出身のアンナ・トーマスさん(29)を同市ILC国際化推進員として今月採用した。(Oshu city newly hired US born Anna Thomas whi will be in charge for promotion of internationalisation with an eye to the approval of ILC project)
4 October 2014
Beograd će naredne sedmice biti domaćin jednom od najvećih svetskih naučnih skupova u oblasti fizike “Linear Collider Workshop 2014″.
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