Director's Corner
by Mike Harrison
For the ILC, 2014 was a year of progress in many areas, but the most important activities were centred in Japan, where Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has started deliberations to evaluate the physics justification as well as the scope and cost of the project. The past year also featured nice results from the ATF2 facility in Japan and the XFEL in Europe. Mike Harrison, associate director for the International Linear Collider in the Linear Collider Collaboration, didn’t avoid the temptation to look back before looking ahead to 2015.
Image of the week
by Barbara Warmbein
The mayor of Ichinoseki city, Osamu Katsube, and the whole city sent a special gift to CERN for its for its 60th birthday, which it celebrated in 2014: a red chanchanko set. It consists of a red vest, hat and folding fan. "'Kanreki' is one of the ancient traditions of celebrating longevity. It is held to celebrate the long life and health of someone who has reached a certain age and to pray for their continued health. This age is 60 years," the mayor explains in the accompanying letter. "We wish CERN further progress with its motto 'Science for Peace'."
Find out more about the tradition
In the News
from ibc News
6 January 2015
達増知事は6日、今年最初の定例記者会見に臨み、改めて、震災からの復興の推進や、ILC=国際リニアコライダーの誘致に向け取り組む姿勢を強調しました。(Iwate Prefecture Governor Tatsuya Tasso said in the press conference on 6 January that he will promote the activities toward the recovery from the earthquake and invite the ILC to Japan.)
from Iwate Nippo
4 January 2015
県国際交流協会(は2月、高校、大学生を対象にしたセミナー「いわて青年国際塾」を開く。国際リニアコライダー(ILC)の誘致が実現すると、本県に移住してくる研究者やその家族ら多くの外国人への対応が想定されることから、次代を担う「国際人」育成の一助と位置付ける。(Iwate International Association will hold a seminar for high school and university students in February. Many scientists and their family are expected to live around the area once the ILC project is approved. This seminar aims to nurture more internationally-minded younger generation to prepare for the ILC construction.)
from BBC News
31 December 2014
To help ring in the new year, the BBC’s science and environment journalists weigh in on the blockbuster stories heading our way in 2015.
from nature
30 December 2014
The long wait is over: the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will reboot in March after a two-year shutdown.
from Basler Zeitung
29 December 2014
Sie wollen ebenfalls den grössten Beschleuniger beherbergen – mit einem Speicherring, der 80 Kilometer Umfang hat. Und in Japan ist der weltweit grösste Linearbeschleuniger geplant, der 31 Kilometer lange International Linear Collider (ILC). Alle Projekte dürften Kosten im zweistelligen Milliardenbereich verursachen.
from Iwate Nippo
26 December 2014
一関地方の異業種交流団体・両磐インダストリアルプラザは、国際リニアコライダー(ILC)に関連するまちづくり座談会の報告書をまとめ、25日、勝部修市長に提出した。報告書は、ILC建設を見据え、▽教育▽食と文化▽魅力-の3分野で課題と対策を提案。(A cross-industrial association in Ichinoseki, Iwate, Ryoban Industrial Plaza, compiled a report on the city development associated to the expected construction of the ILC, and handed it to Ichinoseki Mayor, Osamu Katsube. The report pointed out the issues in education, culture and food, and attractiveness of the area, and proposed some solutions. )
from Tanko Nichi Nichi
24 December 2014
The plan of the international conference in Ichinoseki and Oshu should have been communicated with local residents in the early stage. The public understandings toward the realization of the ILC won’t be gained only by the lectures and classes. The key for success would be how much attention paid to the local people. the efforts not to build the emotional barrier between scientists/administartion and local citizen are expected.) 国際会議の開催は、いち早く市民に周知されるべきだったのではないか。ILC計画の実現に向けた市民理解は、何も講演会や出前授業の開催だけで築かれるものではない。日ごろから市民を意識し、丁寧に心を配っているのかが鍵を握るのだろう。研究者・行政サイドと市民サイドとの間に見えない心の壁をつくらないよう努めてほしい。
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