
Director's Corner

Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 coming soon

| 5 February 2015

Don’t forget to register for ALCW2015.

As LC NewsLine reported in its 8-January issue, the Asian Linear Collider Workshop 2015 (ALCW2015) will take place at KEK from 20 ā€“ 24 April. The workshop will be devoted to accelerator, physics and detector aspects of future high energy electron-positron linear colliders. This workshop is the first Asian regional workshop since the LCC started in 2013.

As a new extending effort from the previous regional workshops in Asia, KILC12 and others, ALCW2015 is co-organised by KEK, the Asian Committee for Future Accelerators ACFA, and the Linear Collider Collaboration. The workshops will try a new session organisation: the detector sessions consist of several mini-workshops of detector design concepts and R&D, and the accelerator sessions focus on the accelerator design integration and its update beyond Technical Design Report to prepare more for realising the ILC. The workshop programme is available here.

The workshop will be held at a critical time for the ILC project development in Japan and will have a special focus on the ILC progress in Japan. And your participation in the meeting will send a strong message to decision-makers in Japan, so make sure you sign up.

The ILC Tokyo Event will be held in the middle of the workshop, on 22 April, at the University of Tokyo (Ito Hall) where participants from outside of the scientific community get together with us and discuss issues to promote the ILC in Japan. We hope to have as many participants as possible in Tokyo and to thus accelerate processes to realise the ILC project. The organising team of the Tokyo event is preparing a website for the Tokyo event, and details will be announced in the next issue of LC NewsLine.

Please register as soon as possible.

Akira Yamamoto

Akira Yamamoto, Asian Director for the ILC
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