Around the World
by Barbara Warmbein
The first prototype module of CLIC is operational in the CLIC test facility. The Compact Linear Collider Study shows that it does what it says in the acronym: a compact accelerator module, fed by high-power waveguides, cables and cooling tubes, sits elegantly on a custom-made mechanical structure that can be moved in all directions to ultra-high precision, and tests how all the little details work that turn a metal structure into a functioning accelerator module– frequency, losses, damping, acceleration, deceleration. At the CLIC test facility you see none of the heavy-duty steel pipes that characterise the dipole magnets of the LHC.
In the News
from CERN Courier
January/February 2015
While the programmes at the Japan Proton Accelerator Complex – including upgrades and KEK’s future SuperKEKB electron–positron collider – involve a broad community of European researchers, generic R&D on high-field magnets and high-gradient structures for the Future Circular Collider and Compact Linear Collider studies are of great importance for both organizations. Scientists from Europe, including CERN, form part of the preparation team for the International Linear Collider project that is being pursued in Japan.
from The Economist
31 January 2015
Accelerators are getting bigger and more expensive. There may be a way to make them smaller and cheaper
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