Image of the week
by Barbara Warmbein
The CMS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider is very much a detector at work. It co-found the Higgs particle in 2012 and, although still in Lang-Shutdown-1 mode, it's ready for the second LHC run. In it: a piece of linear collider technology. Stay tuned for the whole story in a future issue of LC NewsLine.
In the News
12 February 2015
Der Brite Brian Foster ist ein Weltreisender in Sachen Teilchenphysik. Als er vor 30 Jahren erstmals nach Hamburg kam, wunderte er sich über geschlossene Geschäfte und endlos lange Antragsformulare. Jetzt lebt er wieder in Deutschland, und die Leute kommen ihm entspannter vor.
from Fermilab Today
11 February 2015
In 2015, Fermilab will intensify its LCLS-II contribution in the overlapping areas of superconducting radio-frequency (SRF) accelerator technology and cryogenics, critical components that distinguish LCLS-II from SLAC’s current LCLS facility, whose laser production has enabled noted scientific investigations in cancer treatment and other important areas.
from Fermilab Today
11 February 2015
The project scope included two large cryostats, four complicated top-plate assemblies, a new preparation area to install and instrument accelerating cavities for tests, expansion of the radio-frequency power and instrumentation systems, and extension of radiation shielding and safety interlocks.
from Scientific American
7 February 2015
Scientists take to YouTube for a video campaign shows international support for construction of the International Linear Collider.
from symmetry magazine
5 February 2015
A video campaign shows international support for construction of the International Linear Collider.
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